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  1. Oh interesting! How do you think a 12 year Veep would impact precedents.
  2. You compare Adams to Clinton and discuss how Federalists did not care for him and how Hamilton tried to find a candidate to replace him. In 2016 at least, while other issues came up in 2016 there was still a hot primary between Clinton and Sanders. Was there any real talk about replacing Adams or was he such a favorite simply by being Vice president that there wasn't any real movement.
  3. Do you think there could ever have been organized opposition for Adam’s to win re-election or was the nation and the parties too young for it?
  4. I figure he must understand it. He saw it happening and gave his warning against it in his farewell address. Washington imo was an independent in name only and was very much in the side of the federalist, even Jefferson thought he was too. I figure that Hamilton might have been behind some of the firings as well as Washington’s exhaustion from the cabinet infighting.
  5. Is there or was there any unique systems for states to figure out who should get their electors that seems unique, interesting or efficient?
  6. George Romney and we are the Romney Republicans@Arkansas Progressive
  7. Senate R picks Econ Ranking: Barry Goldwater 2: Charles Percy 3: Mark Hatfield 4:Clifford P Hansen 5: Dewey Bartlett 6: Hiram Fong 7: Edward J Gurney 8: Bill Brock 9: Roman Hruska 10: William V Roth Jr DOM: Ranking: Jesse Helms 2: Norris Cotton 3: Lowell Weicker 4: Milton Young 5: Pete Domenici 6: Henry Bellmon 7: Bob Dole 8: Richard Schweiker 9: John Tower 10: Wallace Bennett MIL: Ranking: Howard Baker 2: Bob Packwood 3: James B Pearson 4: Edward Brooke 5: Peter Dominick 6: Robert Taft Jr 7: Jesse Helms 9: Ted Stevens 10: George Aiken JUDICIAL: Ranking: Robert Stafford 2: Clifford P Case 3: J Glenn Beall Jr4: Charles Mathias 4: Marlow Cook 5: James L Buckley 6: Strom Thurmond 7: Carl Curtis 8: Jim McClure 9: William L Scott 10:Paul Fannin
  8. House Picks for R's Econ Ranking Member: Hamilton Fish IV 2: Manuel Lujan Jr 3: Richard W Mallary 4: John M Ashbrook 5: Keith Sebelius 6: Tim Lee Carter 7: John Heinz 8: James Colgate Cleveland 9: Peter Frelinghuysen Jr 10: Jack Kemp 11: Del Latta 12: Roger Zion DOM: Ranking: John J Rhodes 2: Al Quie 3: James G Martin 4: Floyd Spence 5: Harold R Gross 6: Steve Symms 7: Margaret Heckler 8: Robert H Michel 9: John Duncan 10: James Broyhill 11: Skip Bafalis 12: Barry Goldwater Jr MIL: Ranking: Robert H Michel 2: Joel T Broyhill 3: Don Young 4: Bob Wilson 5: Phil Crane 6: Pete McCloskey 7: Pete du Pont IV 8: Ronald A Sarasin 9: Bud Brown 10: Harold V Froelich 11: Charles Sandman Jr 12: David Towell JUDICIAL: Ranking: Bill Archer 2 : David T Martin 3: Ed Derwinski 4: Lawrence Hogan 5: Guy Vander Jagt 6: Mark Andrews 7: R Lawrence Coughlin 8: Jack Edwards 9: William Cohen 10: Charles Vanik
  9. im endorsing incumbents. 2 more years for ford as leader!
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