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Posts posted by Mark_W

  1. 31 minutes ago, Mark_W said:

    I'll work out the other stuff this evening if that's alright.

    Scratch that

    Progressive to Liberal
    Helen Gahagan Douglas
    George Brown Jr
    Dolores Huerta
    Harvey Milk
    Robert C Weaver
    Glen H Taylor
    Thomas B Adams
    Noam Chomsky
    Thomas D’Alesandro Jr
    Leonard Woodcock
    John Dingell
    Carl Levin
    Elmer Austin Benson
    Frank P Graham
    Henry B Gonzalez
    Lyndon LaRouche

    LW Populist to Progressive
    Mike Gravel
    Karl Rolvaag
    Quentin Burdick
    Gus Hall
    William C Bulitt Jr
    Jose Mujica
    Henry Howell

    Progressive to LW Populist
    Richard W Leche

    I don’t think I have any eligible conversion options or Kingmakers.

  2. Private Sector: Carl Levin
    Military Sector: John Tunney
    Judicial Track: Sarah McNamara (No Judicial Ability)
    Governing Track: Richard Lamm
    Legislative Track: Herb Kohl
    Administrative Track: Yvonne Burke
    Backroom Politics Track: Dianne Feinstein

    I'll work out the other stuff this evening if that's alright.

    • Thanks 1
    • 93% Socialist
    • 92% Democratic
    • 91% Green
    • 91% Women's Equality
    • 90% Peace and Freedom
    • 88% Transhumanist
    • 74% American Solidarity
    • 31% Libertarian
    • 7% Republican
    • 4% Constitution

    • 94% AOC
    • 93% Kamala Harris
    • 91% Bernie Sanders
    • 89% Elizabeth Warren
    • 89% Pete Buttigieg
    • 88% Joe Biden
    • 80% Amy Klobuchar
    • 70% Tulsi Gabbard
    • 65% Elon Musk
    • 62% Mark Cuban
    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Willthescout7 said:

    Instead of nerfing the platforms immediately, I believe we should try having each faction submit one part of the plank. This does several things:

    1. It better demonstrates the real world coobbling together of platforms as factions squabble.

    2. This would help nerf as the computer and online players won't be able to collude to make a super platform.

    This could also have a few rules, such as a nominee with Iron Fist could block a faction from submitting if the faction leader has pliable.

    I suggest that the playtesters all agree here that if we try this in 1964, we won't collude together so we can run a proper test. If it doesn't work, then we nerf.

    It shouldn't have that big an impact even if you do get everything right though. Do that AND nerf.

  4. I think it will often depend entirely on the context of the playthrough. Public opinion on almost any of these topics could be vastly different depending on how the country has developed. I think the AMPU 2 solution could be to have meters for things like Religious Affiliation, Fundamentalism, Luddism that are moved depending on the length of time a policy is in place (eg. if you pass and implement disproportionately more evolution>creationism in education legislation, then over time the religious affiliation meter moves towards agnosticism/athiesm. If you pass and implement legislation that discriminates against religious groups then fundamentalism goes up over time, if you improve access to quality education for a long time then levels of luddism drop etc.) and then the significance of court cases is determined by the circumstances. Eg. Roe Jr. vs. Wade Jr. is a huge case if the population is split in terms of religious affiliation, there are higher levels of fundamentalism. If the court finds in favour of abortion rights but the country has large religious membership and moderate to high fundamentalism, or if the court finds against abortion rights in a country with low religious membership or fundamentalism. For marrying AI/Robots it could be a combination of luddism/religious membership+fundamentalism. I'm sure there's other things that could be tracked, but ultimately I would think the importance of the case should be determined by the context of the playthrough.

    • Thanks 1
  5. These are the ones I'm most interested in/would be most keen to help out with

    1. The Long War

    2. Victorian Prime Minister (I would really love it if a good system could be created to allow the game to expand further into the future and allow for the formation of new political parties/death of older parties depending on how a game plays out)

    3. A game set in 1888 London

    4. Build London

    5. Creating the Bible

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