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AMPU Rules for Playtest

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I'm going to slowly post sections of the rules as I polish them up. Note: These aren't the "finalized" rules as I still have one or two drafts to make, but any changes will mostly be cosmetic or elaborations. 

Also understand that you will be starting with the Era of Independence special rules, which means some of these rules won't yet be available. Nevertheless, the rules I'll be posting are the rules of the game 95% of the time. 

It might help to let @MrPotatoTed and I know that you've read the rules by emojiing the rules posts. Use the "Agree" emoji as that won't give me any reaction points. 

@ConservativeElector2 @Cal @DakotaHale @jvikings1 @SilentLiberty @WVProgressive @Hestia @Rodja @Rezi @themiddlepolitical @MrPotatoTed @vcczar

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Check for new historical era

Historical eras are automatically updated when their trigger date is reached.  The active era can influence the availability of certain legislation and events, state population sizes and preferred ideologies, and even the death rate of statesmen in your factions thanks to medical advances.

Players will receive an alert when the historical era changes, including an explanation of what has changed as a result of the new era.

The historical eras below begin on the following set election cycle years:

  • Era of Independence, 1774-1776 *Note: see special Era of Independence rules
  • Era of Federalism, 1788-1790
  • Era of Republicanism, 1800-1802
  • Era of Democracy, 1820-1822
  • Era of Manifest Destiny, 1840-1842
  • Era of Nationalism, 1856-1858
  • Era of the Gilded Age, 1868-1870
  • Era of Progressivism, 1892-1894
  • Era of Normalcy, 1916-1918
  • Era of Ideologies, 1928-1930
  • Era of the Nuclear Age, 1948-1950
  • Era of Neocons, 1972-1974
  • Era of Terror, 2000-2002
  • Era of Populism, 2012-2014
  • Era of the Future *Begins after the current real-world election cycle is met*
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Politician Draft 

*Done once every four years

Every faction (player) will draft potential politicians from the year’s rookie class.  These rookies enter the game around their 25th birthday, and most will need a lot of help to achieve greatness.  It is your task to help develop them into great leaders! 

Each faction can only draft politicians aligned with their own party.  Draft order begins from lowest faction score to highest score.  For the purposes of the draft, tie scores will be broken randomly. The draft will continue until all players are drafted. There will be an automated draft option that can be implemented at any time. 

Each politician is given a draft value -- a sign of their potential -- but every politician is unique and it is possible that a lower value politician may be more valuable to a player’s specific strategy or situation. 


Following a draft, one of each of the possible politician traits (excluding a few) will automatically be assigned to random rookies from the draft.  No rookie will be randomly assigned more than one trait, and no trait will be randomly distributed to more than one rookie.  This is in addition to any traits they may already be scripted to have. The random trait cannot be in opposition to a scripted trait. For instance, if a politician is scripted for “charisma,” they cannot get “uncharismatic.” If this occurs, then the random trait is cancelled. 


PLAYER TIP: When choosing who to draft, consider their home state and alternate state (are these states that have little competition for Senate/Governor races?), positive traits such as charisma and likeable, negative traits such as easily overwhelmed and incompetent, and how their ideology/interests/areas of expertise play into your faction card strategy.

Special Rules: 

  • If a drafted politician has the “celebrity” trait, then the player may want to hold off in running them for office. While “celebrity” will be shown for the draft, it will be hidden once drafted and will not reappear until they become a celebrity. Every “celebrity” has a historic “obscure remove” date. If a player runs or appoints the politician before then, the “celebrity” trait will be removed permanently. If they wait until “celebrity” appears, then the politician will be granted all the benefits of being a celebrity politician. 
  • Those marked as a “woman” or as any racial minority will not be eligible for the draft until they are legally allowed to vote as, historically, they were generally not allowed to run for office until they could have voted or have citizenship. Once suffrage is attained all politicians of that specific minority demographic will be eligible for the next draft so long as they have reached the age of 25 and have not yet reached their historic death date. 
  • The “celebrity,” “two-faced,” and “military hero” “incompetent,” and “flip-flopper” traits are the traits that are not randomly assigned at the end of the draft. The exception is that the Era of the Future drafts will allow these to be assigned. 

CPU movements: 

  • The CPU will draft one of the top 10 available politicians. Of these top 10, they will select one of those that has an ideology that matches their ideology card first. If none exist, they will draft any of the top 10 available politicians randomly. 
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Career Track 

*Done once every four years

All players may enter their freshly-drafted rookie into a career track.  Each rookie can only be placed on one career track, and each faction can only place one rookie on each career track.  There will always be far more rookies than available career track slots, so this decision requires strategic planning.

The career tracks offer a variety of paths to empower you to develop your rookie politicians, helping them gain skills, experience, and traits for future leadership roles.  However, while they are committing themselves to advancing in their career track, they will be unavailable to run in elections or be appointed to office.  This is a moderate risk, high reward opportunity for your politicians to fully develop into their long term potential.

In addition to placing one rookie in each career track, players will also choose whether to remove any of their politicians previously placed on the career track.  Removed politicians will earn a variety of new skills, traits, and experiences – but the longer a politician remains on the career track, the larger the boost they will receive when they finally leave.  All politicians will be automatically removed from the career track after 20 years (for maximum benefit), unless the player removes them earlier.  The military track automatically ends sooner, reflecting the reality of age limits in military service.  

These are the seven career tracks (see Career Track Chart near the bottom of this rules doc for the specific benefits for each track):

  • Private Sector: A general catch-all career track, offering a wide variety of skill and experience gains. 
  • Military Sector: Representing someone rising through the ranks of the US military -- likely on their way to become a general, admiral, or in an administrative military role in a presidential administration.
  • Judicial Track: Someone serving as a local, state, or lower federal-level judge on their way to becoming a short-list candidate for the US Supreme Court.
  • Governing Track: Someone working closely with a state governor, serving as a lieutenant governor, or as a mayor with their eyes set on the governorship.
  • Legislative Track: A local or state legislator hoping to become a US Senator or US Rep.

Backroom Politics Track: Someone compulsive and adept at the strategy of elections who wishes to serve as a kind of monarch in the “smoke-filled rooms” where real politics is conducted. These politicians generally see themselves as unelectable, so they attempt to find some sort of pawn to run for them. 

  • PLAYER TIP:  While it is generally advisable to keep your politician in a career track for the full 20 years, maximizing their potential, consider whether there is an immediate opportunity for your politician to take advantage of upcoming vacancies and limited competition for upcoming elections for Governor, House, or Senate.  Remember – those who are on the career track are not eligible for elections and appointments until they leave.  And your next opportunity to leave the career track won’t come until after the next TWO elections.

CPU movements: 

  • The AI will always attempt to send a rookie to all seven career paths, and will always keep them there until they are automatically taken out at the end of their career path. When choosing which rookie to send, the AI will choose the rookie with the highest starting skill level in that career – for example, the AI will place their rookie with the highest starting military skill on the military career track. When the AI has multiple rookies with the same level of skill (or has no one with that skill at all), it will randomly select from its list of eligible rookies.
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Remove Flip-Flopper Penalty

Any politicians with the temporary “flip-flopper penalty” (generally earned from having previously switched their ideology) have a 1/3 chance of having the penalty automatically removed during this phase.  Note that it is possible to have a permanent “Two-Faced” penalty for excessive flip-flopping, which cannot be removed.

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Relocate Politicians

If a politician is marked for having an Alternate State available, the player can move them to that state at this time.  

If the US has acquired an ahistorical state (for example, if they have expanded across the modern day borders of Canada or Mexico), any politician may move to that ahistoric state, provided that they come from an “overpopulated” state.  An overpopulated state is defined as a state that currently has more than 20 politicians in it.

Additionally, if any historical (real) state is underpopulated, any politician may attempt to relocate to it at this time.   A politician from the historical state’s region has a 1/3 chance of successfully moving.  A politician from outside the target region has a 1/6 chance of successfully moving.  

A politician can only move once in a lifetime, unless they are scripted to have multiple alternate states or scripted to have multiple moves.  They can only move back to their original state if they are marked for multiple moves.  Politicians who are currently serving as Representative, Senator, or Governor cannot move as they are occupying a state-level office.

Special Rule:

  • Politicians marked from “Canada,” “Brazil,” “Mexico,” or “South America” may freely move to any state within those regions. They will randomly start in one of the states. They cannot move if they are a governor, US Rep, or US Senator. 

CPU Movements: 

  • There’s a  20% chance the AI decides to move a politician, if they have a potential move available to them. The politician that moves will be random among eligible politicians that are not a US Senator, US Rep, or Governor.
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Ideology Shifts

All politicians have a starting ideology.  From “left” to “right” (on the US political axis), these are Left-wing Populist, Progressive, Liberal, Moderate, Conservative, Traditionalist, Right-wing Populist.  A player may move a politician’s ideology one step to the left, or one step to the right.   

Changing your ideology in this manner carries a 1/3 chance of gaining a temporary “flip flopper” trait, which gives a -1 in primaries and general elections.  It also carries a 1/3 chance of gaining the permanent “pliable” trait.  

A politician can move from Left Populist to Right Populist or vice versa, but will receive the “Two-Faced” marker, which gives a permanent -1 in all future primary and general elections.

PLAYER TIP:  Consider the state preferences where your politician resides.  A 1/3 chance of a temporary -1 penalty may be worth it if you can switch to an ideology that gives you a +1 (or more) in that state’s elections.

Special Rules: 

  • A politician with “lackey” can never shift their ideology. A politician with “puritan” will automatically lose their “puritan” trait and automatically gain “flip-flopper.” If a politician shifts their ideology while they have “flip-flopper,” then they’ll gain the permanent “two-faced” trait. A politician with “propagandist” avoids “two-faced” if their faction controls the LW Media or RW Media card, although they will have to roll for flip-flopper. 

CPU Movement: 

  • The CPU will attempt to shift their politicians towards the ideology card(s) they possess, provided that politician’s ideology can make the move in one shift. They will shift no more than 5 politicians per phase. The CPU will always avoid the “two-faced” penalty.
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Politician Conversions 

Party leaders and faction leaders with certain traits can attempt to sway vulnerable politicians over to joining their team.  

Each party and faction leader can only target a maximum of one politician per 2-year term, unless the leader has efficient – in which case, the leader may make two attempts.

A Party Leader with “manipulative” has a 1/3 chance of converting an opposing politician marked as “party flipping,” a 10% chance of converting an opposing politician marked as “pliable”, and a 5% chance of converting an opposing politician marked as “moderate.”  If a party leader has both “manipulative” and “debater”, their chances improve to 50% for party flipping, 25% for pliable, and 10% for moderate.  A politician who is the President, VP, in the Cabinet, a Congressional Leader, a Party Leader, or a Faction Leader cannot be persuaded to switch parties. A politician marked as a member of a dynasty cannot be persuaded to switch parties if that dynasty member has another member of the dynasty in their faction, unless the politician doing the conversion is the party leader or another member of that dynasty.

A Faction Leader with “manipulative” can attempt to steal a politician from an allied (same party) faction if the targeted politician is either “pliable” or has the same ideology as the Faction Leader.  This carries a 1/3 chance of success – but improves to 50% if the Faction Leader has both Propagandist and Debater.  A Faction Leader cannot steal another faction’s leader.  A Party Leader is always also a Faction Leader, and thus may attempt a faction leader persuasion along with a party-changing persuasion.

A faction with their ideology enthusiasm  at the lowest level could see an exodus. Every politician eligible for party flipping in that historically dissatisfied faction will have a 25% chance of party flipping automatically and without an attempt by the other party for conversion. 

A politician can only convert as many times as they are historically marked to convert. This is generally only once but some politicians are marked for two or three conversions. 

Special Rule: 

  • A politician from a faction with “max” or “high” ideology enthusiasm cannot be targeted for party or faction conversion. A leader with “max” or “high” ideology enthusiasm doubles his chances of a successful conversion. Naturally, if two factions are maxed out in enthusiasm, they cannot target each other. 

CPU Movements: 

  • The CPU will attempt conversions. When directed at their own party, they'll prioritize the player with the highest score, selecting the highest value flippable politician 50% of the time and someone random 50% of the time. They will also target the highest scoring player of the other party. If given a choice, they'll first attempt to convert from another party than from another faction within their own party.
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Kingmakers & Proteges

Kingmakers are paired with proteges.  To activate a kingmaker, the activating faction must identify a valid protégé to pair them with.  Each faction may only activate one kingmaker per two-year phase, up to a maximum of five active kingmakers within a faction at any given time.

A faction may not have more than one kingmaker from the same state.  An active Kingmaker must be at least 35 years old and not on a career track.  There are no age or role limitations for proteges.

An active Kingmaker gets one protégé from their own faction, in their own state.  A Kingmaker with leadership gets 3 total proteges from their state.  A protégé with leadership may be selected by a Kingmaker from any state. 

The Kingmaker provides a permanent bonus to their protégé in all future elections.  Additionally, a protege with a kingmaker earns double points for his or her faction when awarded points for gaining office. This also means they can lose double points if a loss in an election leads to a loss of points. If a kingmaker’s protege becomes president, then that kingmaker gets his faction an added bonus of 100 pts.

The Kingmaker-Protégé relationship is permanent until either one dies, one retires, one switches parties or factions, or the protégé becomes President, Vice President, Chief Justice, Speaker, or Senate Majority Leader as these officeholders cannot have kingmaker while they hold these offices..  If an active Kingmaker loses their final protégé, they are deactivated until they are paired with a new protégé and activated once again.

CPU Movements: 

  • The CPU will create a Kingmaker-Protege chain when they are eligible to do so. They'll prioritize selecting a kingmaker that is not currently holding office 75% of the time. They'll prioritize a kingmaker from a "big state" 75% of the time. When picking a protege, they'll prioritize the most recent draft class 75% of the time, selecting the highest political value 75% of the time. For all cases, randomize the other 25%.
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Determine Faction Personalities

Each faction holds a series of cards (Ideology, Interest, Lobby) which determine the faction’s personality.  These cards can potentially shift every two years, as faction strength ebbs and flows over the centuries.  These cards generate points for their faction whenever something positive for the cards is achieved, such as the passage of a new law that benefits your lobby card.  These cards can also generate negative points for your faction – for example, if you are holding the progressive card, it’s going to be a bad day for you if Roe V. Wade gets overturned.  These faction cards help you establish goals for yourself for the next two years, and also reveal potential partners.  If the liberal and the conservative faction players both happen to have the transportation card, perhaps they can at least work together on an infrastructure package…

The primary factor in what cards a faction gets is the strengths of the politicians within their faction.  Thus, a faction with a lot of military veterans in it might naturally expect to appeal to the Military Industrial Complex lobby.  However, some cards refuse to be paired together.  For example, if you happen to have the Pacifist card, the Military Industrial Complex will want nothing to do with you.

A faction’s cards fall into three categories: ideology, interests, and lobbies.

Ideology Cards:  There are six ideology cards: Progressive, Liberal, Moderate, Conservative, Traditionalist, and Populist.  The progressive card is assigned to whichever faction has the most politicians who currently have the progressive ideology, the liberal card is assigned to whichever faction has the most politicians who are liberal, and so on down the line.  The populist card is assigned to the faction that has the most LW Populists and RW Populists combined.   

These cards are distributed according to which ideology represents the majority of the faction’s politicians.  For example, a faction made up of 40 Liberals, 39 Moderates, and 38 Conservatives would receive the “Liberal” card.  It is possible for two or more factions to have the same card – if, for example, three factions are all dominated by conservative politicians, then all three factions would get the “Conservative” card.  It is also possible for a faction to have more than one ideology card.

Every faction must have at least one ideology card.  If after the ideologies are distributed, one or more factions has none, then they will receive the ideology card associated with their red/blue party for the current Historical Era.  Some Historical Eras have more than one ideology associated with a party -- in that case, the faction receives the Historical ideology that they have the most politicians for.  If tied, one Historical ideology from their party is chosen at random.

Interest Cards: There are a total of eight interest cards: Nationalist, Expansionist, Right Wing Activist, Left Wing Activist, Reformist, Civil Rights, Pacifist, and Theocrat.

Interest cards are distributed in a similar manner to ideology cards -- each card is distributed to the faction that has the most politicians with that interest.  Thus, the faction with the most politicians with the Nationalist interest will receive the Nationalist interest.  It is possible for a faction to have more than one interest, or (unlike ideologies) no active, uniting interests at all.  In the case of a tie, it is also possible for more than one faction to have the same interest.

Special Rule for Interest Cards: 

Civil Rights (cannot join Conservative or Traditionalist Cardholder)

Expansionists (cannot join Progressive Cardholder)

Nationalists (cannot join Liberal or Moderate Cardholder)

Pacifist (cannot join Conservative or Moderate Cardholder)

Left-Wing Activist (can only join the Liberal or Progressive Cardholder)

Right-Wing Activist (can only join the Conservative or Traditionalist Cardholder)

Reformist (Cannot join the Moderate Cardholder)

Theocrat (Cannot join the Progressive Cardholder)

Lobby Cards:  Like ideology and interest cards, lobby cards go to the faction that has the most politicians with expertise that matches the lobby.  Also like interest cards, it is possible for a faction to have more than one lobby or zero lobbies, and some lobbies will not attach themselves to factions that have certain ideologies or interests.  

When a faction is not eligible for a card, the card goes to the eligible faction with the next most relevant politicians (for example, the faction with the Pacifist card also has the most military+navy politicians.  The Military-Industrial Complex lobby cannot join the pacifist faction, so the Pacifist faction keeps their pacifist card, while the Military-Industrial Complex goes to the next faction that has the most military+navy politicians.)

Interest and lobby cards  both require that a faction have at least five politicians with their required interest or expertise.  If no eligible factions can meet this requirement, no one gets that  card.

Special Rule for Lobby Cards:

Big Agriculture Lobby (Agriculture) joins any ideology or trait. 

Big Corporations Lobby (Business) will not join Progressive or LW Activist cardholder(s). 

Wall Street Lobby (Economics) will not join Progressive, Populist, or Reformist cardholder(s).

Public Education Lobby (Education) will not join Traditionalist, Conservative, or Theocrat cardholder(s).

Private Education Lobby (Education) will not join Progressives, Liberals, Civil Rights, or whomever already has the Public Education Lobby. 

Big Oil & Gas Lobby (Energy) will not join Progressive, Liberal or LW Activist cardholder(s).

Environmentalist Lobby (Environment) won’t join Traditionalist, Conservative, or RW Activist cardholder(s). 

Globalists Lobby (Foreign Affairs) won’t join Pacifist, Traditionalist, or Nationalist cardholder(s).

Isolationist Lobby (Foreign Affairs) won’t join Expansionists, Moderates, Conservatives, Liberals, or whomever already has the Globalist Lobby or the Military-Industrial Lobby.   

Big Pharma Lobby (Healthcare) won’t join Progressive, Populist, or Reformist cardholder(s). 

Public Healthcare Lobby (Healthcare) won’t join Moderate, Conservatives, Traditionalists, or whomever has the Big Pharma Lobby.

Public Housing Lobby (Housing) won’t join RW Activist or Conservative cardholder.  

Law & Order. Lobby (Justice) won’t join Progressive, Liberal, or Civil Rights cardholder(s).

Human Rights Lobby (Justice) won’t join RW Activists, Nationalists, Traditionalists, Expansionists, or whomever has the Big Prison Lobby or Military-Industrial Lobby.

Labor Union Lobbies (Labor) won’t join Traditionalists, Conservatives or RW Activist cardholder(s).

The LW Media Lobby (Media) must have the Liberal or Progressive card.

The RW Media Lobby (Media) must have the Conservative or Traditionalist card.

Military-Industrial Lobby (Military + Navy) won’t join Progressive, or Pacifist cardholder(s).

Science Lobby (Science) won’t join Traditionalists, Conservatives, or Theocrat cardholder(s)

Technology Lobby (Technology) won’t join Traditionalists or Theocrat cardholder(s)

Free Trade Lobby (Trade) won’t join Populist, Progressive, or Nationalist cardholder(s)

Protectionist Lobby (Trade) won’t join Expansionists, Liberals, Moderates, or whomever already has the Free Trade Lobby or Globalist Lobby. 

Transportation Lobby (Transportation) joins any ideology or trait. 

Welfare Lobby (Welfare) won’t join Traditionalists, Conservative, or RW Activist cardholder(s).

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Congressional Leadership Elected

Special Rule: 

  • Earlier start dates will have fewer Congressional leadership offices. The Era of Independence has its own Continental Congress rules (see Era of Indepence rules) for the 1774 start date. Starting in 1788, when the US Constitution comes into effect, the Speaker of the House and Senate Pro Tempore, which will act as Senate Majority Leader for game purposes, are created. The Houses of Congress can create the other offices over time. Once the Senate Majority Leader is created, the Senate Pro Tempore loses all power but stays in play for the sake of presidential succession and it will hereafter earn 50 pts to the player for each time this phase occurs. Once this occurs, the Senate Pro Tempore will be the longest serving majority party senator. In the event of a tie, it goes to the one with the earliest birthdate, randomize if tied further. 

The party with the highest number of influential Representatives votes for the Speaker and (if the positions are created) House Majority Leader and Majority Whip.  The other party votes for Minority Leader and Minority Whip.  Each faction’s # of votes equals their number of influential Representatives.

The party with the highest number of Senators votes for the Senate Pro Tempore/Senate Majority Leader (depending on which office exists), and (if the position is created) Senate Whip.  The party with the fewest Senators votes for Senate Minority Leader and Minority Whip.    Each faction’s # of votes equals their number of Senators.

If the minority positions are not created/active, then the minority party votes with the majority for Speaker/Senate Pro Tempore (but presumably the majority will always win).

Each faction can nominate an eligible politician to each role, provided their nominee meets all prerequisites for the leadership position.  If there are no eligible candidates meeting all prerequisites, then any Representative or Senator may be nominated and elected to the role.  If there is only eligible candidate meeting all prerequisites, they are automatically nominated and automatically win the election.

An incumbent cannot be challenged for their current position unless they either do not meet the prerequisites of their current role, or a faction’s ideology enthusiasm drops below neutral.  In the latter case, the challenger must come from the below-neutral enthusiasm ideology.

PLAYER TIP:  Between this phase and the committee appointment phase, there is a clear development path for your future congressional superstars:  appointment to a committee, become committee chair, become whip, become leader, (and if it’s the House) become Speaker.  Each of these positions give you a chance to gain the traits and abilities needed to advance to the next level.  However, it is possible to skip some of these steps if your politician either entered the game already having some of the prerequisites for advanced levels, or achieved those prerequisites via other means such as random or scripted events.

SPEAKER:  Must be a Representative with at least 5 Legislative ability, previously served as a committee chair, not have Obscure, and have the Leadership trait.    If the minority offices have been created and are active, must be a member of the majority party.  Being elected/re-elected speaker gives you a 50% chance of losing obscure, 50% chance of gaining the Leadership skill, a 50% chance of gaining +1 Legislative ability (if you’ve managed to reach the seat without already having met these max prerequisites), a 50% chance of gaining Kingmaker, a 25% chance of gaining manipulative, and a 25% chance of gaining unlikable. This position earns 50 pts for the player each time a politician is elected or reelected during this phase.

HOUSE MAJORITY/MINORITY LEADER:  Must be a Representative with at least 4 Legislative ability, previously served as a committee chair, and not have obscure.  Being elected/re-elected majority or minority leader gives you a 25% chance of losing obscure (if you’ve managed to reach the seat with it), 25% chance of gaining the Leadership skill, a 33% chance of gaining +1 Legislative ability, a 25% chance of gaining propagandist, a 25% chance of gaining debater, and a 10% chance of gaining Kingmaker.  The House Majority Leader must be a member of the majority party, the minority leader must be a member of the minority party.  A House Majority Leader who becomes House Minority Leader is still eligible for all of the % bonuses, and vice versa. These positions earn 50 pts for the player each time a politician is elected or reelected during this phase.

HOUSE MAJORITY/MINORITY WHIP:  Must be a Representative with at least 3 Legislative ability and previously served as a committee chair.  Being elected/re-elected Whip gives you a 10% chance of losing obscure, 10% chance of gaining the Leadership skill,  a 25% chance of gaining +1 Legislative ability,  a 25% chance of gaining propagandist,  a 25% chance of gaining debater,  a 50% chance of gaining manipulative, and a 5% chance of gaining Kingmaker.   The House Majority Whip must be a member of the majority party, the House Minority Whip must be a member of the minority party. These positions earn 50 pts for the player each time a politician is elected or reelected during this phase.

SENATE MAJORITY  LEADER: Must be a Senator with at least 5 Legislative ability, previously served as a committee chair, not have Obscure, and have the Leadership trait.    If the minority offices have been created and are active, must be a member of the majority party.  Being elected/re-elected Senate Majority Leader gives you a 50% chance of losing obscure, 50% chance of gaining the Leadership skill, a 50% chance of gaining +1 Legislative ability (if you’ve managed to reach the seat without already having met these max prerequisites), a 50% chance of gaining Kingmaker, a 25% chance of gaining manipulative, and a 25% chance of gaining unlikable.  A Senate Majority Leader who becomes Senate Minority Leader is still eligible for all of the % bonuses, and vice versa. This position earns 50 pts for the player each time a politician is elected or reelected during this phase.

SENATE MINORITY LEADER: Must be a Senator with at least 4 Legislative ability, previously served as a committee chair, and not have obscure.  Being elected/re-elected minority leader gives you a 25% chance of losing obscure (if you’ve managed to reach the seat with it), 25% chance of gaining the Leadership skill, a 33% chance of gaining +1 Legislative ability, a 25% chance of gaining propagandist, a 25% chance of gaining debater, and a 10% chance of gaining Kingmaker.  The Senate minority leader must be a member of the minority party.  A Senate Majority Leader who becomes Senate Minority Leader is still eligible for all of the % bonuses, and vice versa. This position earns 50 pts for the player each time a politician is elected or reelected during this phase.

SENATE MAJORITY/MINORITY WHIP:  Must be a Senator with at least 3 Legislative ability and previously served as a committee chair.  Being elected/re-elected Whip gives you a 10% chance of losing obscure, 10% chance of gaining the Leadership skill,  a 25% chance of gaining +1 Legislative ability,  a 25% chance of gaining propagandist,  a 25% chance of gaining debater,  a 50% chance of gaining manipulative, and a 5% chance of gaining Kingmaker.   The Senate Majority Whip must be a member of the majority party, the Senate Minority Whip must be a member of the minority party. These positions earn 50 pts for the player each time a politician is elected or reelected during this phase. 

SENATE PRES PRO TEMPORE: This position acts as Sen Maj Ldr until the creation of Sen Maj Ldr. Following the creation of Sen Maj Ldr, this office is no longer elected. It will go to the longest-serving majority party US Senator. If tied, it goes to the one with the earliest draft date. If still tied, randomize. This position carries no power following the creation of Sen Maj Ldr, except in the case of line of succession. This position earns 50 pts for the player each time this phase occurs. 

CPU Movements:

  • The CPU will challenge the incumbent of their party only if the challenging faction is at the lowest level of ideological enthusiasm. If there is no incumbent running, or if a challenge occurs, the CPU will run an eligible legislator with the highest legislative power. If there is a tie, they will select a random one with “manipulative.” If there is not one with “manipulative,” they will select the longest serving politician among those tied. Randomize if further tied. The CPU will decline to run an incumbent for reelection to the Congressional office if 1) They were the majority party but lost the majority in the last election or 2) They were the minority party but failed to gain the majority in the last two congressional elections. 
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Congressional Committees  Appointed:

In addition to this, there can be a Special Committee. See special rules for this.

HOUSE COMMITTEE CHAIR:  Must be a Representative with at least 2 legislative ability and previously served as a member of the same committee.  Being appointed as House Committee Chair gives you a 5% chance of losing obscure, a 5% chance of gaining leadership, a 10% chance of gaining +1 legislative ability, and a 1% chance of gaining Kingmaker.  It also grants you one random trait applicable to that committee. The chairs are appointed by the highest ranking majority party leader in the US House: The Speaker. There’s a 25% chance of increasing ideological enthusiasm by appointing a chair from a faction with an ideology card. Roll for each ideology card that the faction of the chair person has.

HOUSE COMMITTEE MEMBER: Must be a Representative with at least 1 legislative ability.  Being appointed as a House Committee Member earns you a 1% chance of losing obscure, a 1% chance of gaining leadership, and a  5% chance of gaining +1 legislative ability.  It also grants you one random trait applicable to that committee. The highest ranking majority party leader--the Speaker--will appoint the majority party committee members. The highest ranking minority leader--the House Minority Ldr--will appoint those of the minority party. There are two exceptions to this rule: 1) The House Minority Ldr is not yet created, and 2) The Speaker has “Iron Fist.” In both cases, the Speaker will select minority party politicians for the minority committee positions.

SENATE COMMITTEE CHAIR: Must be a Senator with at least 2 legislative ability and previously served as a member of the same committee.  Being appointed as Senate Committee Chair gives you a 5% chance of losing obscure, a 5% chance of gaining leadership, a 10% chance of gaining +1 legislative ability, and a 1% chance of gaining Kingmaker.  It also grants you one random trait applicable to that committee. The chairs are appointed by the highest ranking majority party leader in the US Senate: The Sen Maj Ldr, although prior to its creation the Sen Pro Tempore will take on this task. There’s a 25% chance of increasing ideological enthusiasm by appointing a chair from a faction with an ideology card. Roll for each ideology card that the faction of the chair person has.

SENATE COMMITTEE MEMBER: Must be a Senator with at least 1 legislative ability.  Being appointed as a Senate Committee Member earns you a 1% chance of losing obscure, a 1% chance of gaining leadership, and a  5% chance of gaining +1 legislative ability.  It also grants you one random trait applicable to that committee. The Sen Maj Ldr (or Sen Pro Tempore before its creation), will select the majority party committee members, while the Sen Min Ldr will select those for the minority party. However, if the Sen Maj Ldr has “Iron Fist” or if the Sen Min Ldr is not yet created, then the Sen Maj Ldr (or Sen Pro Tempore prior to its creation) will appoint minority politicians to these positions. 

All committee positions, chairs included, net the player 50 pts on appointment or reappointment.

The number of Committee Members changes over time. In 1788, each committee will have their chair, a member of the chair’s party, and a ranking member of the other party. Once the US contains 20 states, there will be one more member in the committee for each party. For each time the number of states increases by 10, then add one more committee member for each party. That is, if there are 50 states, a committee will have 11 members. The chair will break any ties. It is possible for a committee to be down a member or two if there is no one eligible that can fill the spot. 

In the event that a House of Congress flips majority parties, the Ranking Member is moved to 3rd member (but is eligible to be promoted to Chair), the Chair is moved to Ranking member. A random committee member of the former majority party will be removed from the committee if there is an odd number of members. 

There are 4 standard committees. Relevant expertise is in parentheses:

Domestic (Education, Labor, Environment, Transportation, Agriculture, Energy,  Welfare, Healthcare, Housing)

Foreign/Military (Military, Naval, Foreign Affairs)

Economics (Economics, Trade, Business)

Judicial (Judicial, Housing, Labor, Business, Welfare)

CPU Movements:

  • The CPU will choose eligible chairs that have the highest legislative power. If there is a tie, they’ll choose a chair from an allied faction with the lowest ideological enthusiasm. The other committee members will be chosen completely randomly among eligible politicians. 
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Faction Leaders Selected:

Politicians select their Faction Leader or keep their incumbent Faction Leader. If the faction controls an incumbent president that won election in their own right, then that politician is automatically both Party Leader and a Faction Leader. Aside from this, a Faction Leader must have the same ideology as the faction’s ideology card and have at least one interest or expertise aligned with one of the faction’s Lobbyist or Interest cards. Along with this, the Faction Leader must currently have “leadership” or “kingmaker” while holding an office or, if not holding office, have served as Pres, VP, Sec of State. If they don’t have “leadership” or “kingmaker,” they must hold the office of President, VP, Speaker, Sen Maj Ldr, or Sec of State. The faction leader cannot have the “obscure” trait.  If none apply, then any politician with the same ideology as the ideology card may be selected. 

The faction leader’s personal ideology will determine the faction’s ideology enthusiasm meter in regards to the faction’s support for the party leader. Therefore, if a faction has “Conservative” and “Traditionalist,” and the faction leader is” Traditionalist,” then the faction is linked only to the “Traditionalist” meter. However, all faction cards will play a role in scoring. Therefore, the “Conservative” card will still impact points on legislation and etc that are passed, repealed, activated, deactivated, etc.  

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Party Leaders Elected:
Once all Faction Leaders are determined, the Faction Leaders may endorse the incumbent Party Leader or challenge the Party Leader. An incumbent President that was elected president in their own right (i.e. not a VP or other taking over as Pres due to death or resignation) cannot be challenged. If a challenge is applicable, however, then the allied factions will vote for the Party Leader among all of the Faction Leaders with votes equal to the number of politicians with the “Kingmaker” traits that they have, modified by a 6-sided die roll. If a politician has “Leadership,” then they roll two dice and take the largest number. If a politician has both “Leadership” and “Iron Fist,” they get three dice and take the largest number. If no Faction Leader gets 50%+1 of the vote, then there is a run-off between the two Faction Leaders with the most votes. In the event of a tie, the faction with the lowest score will have their Faction Leader become Party Leader (randomized if this is tied). 

If a Party Leader is elected party leader three times or more, there is a 25% chance of them gaining +1 command, “kingmaker,” and/or “iron fist,” but there is also a 25% chance of gaining “unlikable” (unless they are likable), and “controversial” (unless they have integrity). On top of this, party preference will drop by 1. 


If a faction leader has disharmonious, there’s a 1-2 die roll chance that kingmakers with puritan, disharmonious, or integrity won’t follow the player’s vote, unless they have lackey and their faction leader has leadership. 


If a faction leader has harmonious and has the most kingmakers in round 1 of voting, there’s a 5-6 die-roll chance that they will win the votes of other harmonious politicians as well as those with integrity, unless the harmonious faction leader also has controversial. 


A politician with “easily overwhelmed” cannot become party leader. 


“Low brow” kingmakers will not vote for “egghead” kingmakers and vice versa. 


An “Iron Fisted” Party Leader gives one of his cards to other allied factions temporarily, unless a faction leader has “Puritan” or “Leadership.” The party leader will choose this card. 


Unless a politician has “charisma,” they cannot become party leader if they are a former party leader.


The Party Leader’s ideology is important in ideological enthusiasm. The ideology cards bound to a new party leader translates to an improvement of ideology enthusiasm by 2 pts. A re-elected party leader will see an improvement of only 1. If the party has any ideology cards that are not bordering the ideology of the party leader, they will lose 1 enthusiasm each. A moderate will lose 2 enthusiasm if there is a LW Pop or RW Pop party leader and vice versa. If the party leader has “leadership” then there’s a 25% chance that there will be no enthusiasm drops. If the party leader has “charisma,” then +1 party preference and -1 if they are “uncharismatic.” There’s a 25% chance of +/- party preference if the party leader is “likable” or “unlikable” respectively. 


The player that becomes party leader earns 100 pts when elected the first time or during reelection.

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Presidential Appointments:

The president must fill all cabinet offices. In 1788, the default cabinet offices are Sec of State, Sec of Treasury, Sec of War, the latter which can become the more expansive Sec of Defense later on. All other cabinet offices, including some hypothetical ones, are created via legislation. Cabinet offices will not exist at all at the 1774 Era of Independence start date and will have to be created. 

All cabinet members must have at least 1 admin ability. Four-term max limit for cabinet 

Presidents will be shown if they have any unfulfilled promises requiring cabinet appointment promises. These promises must be made unless 1) President has “disharmonious” and 2) there was only one eligible person to fit the requirement and that person is no longer available. If the promise is not fulfilled, then the faction enthusiasm for the faction whose promise was broken will drop by three. 

Each cabinet office requires relevant expertise. There is also a priority expertise, which gives the cabinet member extra points if he or she has this expertise. Additionally, the president can gain points if the cabinet member has “egghead.” There are also bonuses for selecting cabinet members from the players with the relevant lobbies. See the doc for cabinet offices for the specifics. 

Reelected presidents are allowed to retain up to five cabinet members from the previous 4-year term, but they do not get the “egghead” bonus.  Cabinet player still get their expertise bonus, if applicable. They do get an “egghead” bonus if they shift the cabinet officer to another cabinet position, however. Retained cabinet officers have a 5-6 die roll chance of +1 admin, 5-6 die roll chance of another +1 admin if they win their first chance, 1-2 die roll chance -1 admin (if they fail on a +1), 5-6 die roll chance of gaining “Efficient” and 1-2 die roll chance of gaining “Easily Overwhelmed.” If they already have “Easily Overwhelmed,” they have a 1-2 die roll of being “incompetent.”

Any politician that has been Sec of State will not accept another other cabinet office in the future as this office is the most prestigious.

If an opposing faction member is appointed Sec of State, Treasury, Sec of War/Defense, or Att Gen, then that faction’s enthusiasm has a 5-6 die roll chance of going up +1. Bonus doesn’t apply if the office was guaranteed via a promise.

President’s party loses -1 faction enthusiasm if most of the cabinet officers don’t come from his or her faction.

President’s allied factions lose -1 faction enthusiasm for allied factions not represented in the cabinet at a near equal level with the presidential party. This is to reflect collective outrage with the president’s faction for controlling so much of the executive branch--all non-president’s factions will lose enthusiasm with the president as party leader. That is, 50%+1 being of the president’s faction and 50%-1 being of all allied faction’s (and opposing party member, if applicable) combined. If president has “Iron Fist” this penalty is avoided.

Starting with the Era of Ideologies, factions within the president’s party that have the “moderate” ideology card and/or the “reformist” cards get -2 faction enthusiasm if there is not at least one member of the opposing party in the cabinet.

Starting with the Era of Terror, factions within the president’s party that have the “Civil Rights,” “Reformist,” “LW Activist” cards get -2 faction enthusiasm if he or she doesn’t appoint at least two women and at least three racial/ethnic minorities.

Prior to the Era of Terror, all factions within the president’s party gain +1 party enthusiasm,  if the cabinet is represented by a cabinet officer from every region (West Coast, Southwest, Mountain States, Great Plains, Deep South, Upper South, Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, and New England). 

In addition, Presidential promises made during the presidential election must be fulfilled during this time. In the event that a promise was eligible, but is now no longer eligible via a death or retirement of the only qualifying politician for a job, then the promise is void without penalty.

The president and the faction leader of the cabinet officer get 10 points if the cabinet member comes from a faction with a lobbyist card that relates to the Department. For instance, if the Sec of State comes from the player with the Globalist lobby, Sec of Treasury from the Wall Street Lobby, Sec of Defense/War from Military-Industrial Lobby, Attorney General from the Law & Order or Civil Rights Lobby, Sec of Interior from either the Environmentalist or Big Oil & Gas Lobby, Sec of Agriculture from Big Agriculture Lobby, Sec of Commerce from either the Free Trade or Protectionist Lobby, Sec of Labor from Labor Union Lobby, Sec of Health from either Big Pharma Lobby or Universal Healthcare Lobby, HUD from Public Housing Lobby, Sec of Transportation from Transportation Lobby, Sec of Energy from Big Oil & Gas Lobby, Sec of Education from Public Education Lobby or Private Education Lobby, Sec of VA from Military-Industrial Lobby, Big Pharma or Universal Healthcare, Sec of Homeland Sec from either Law & Order or Military-Industrial Lobby. 

If a president is “pliable” then the Speaker or Sen Maj Ldr of the same party can recommend a cabinet officer. Not taking the cabinet officer recommended by either of these politicians results in a 1-2 die roll chance of that leader’s faction enthusiasm going down. This means if the president’s party controls both the Speaker and the Sen Maj Ldr, and the president takes the Speaker’s recommendation, then the Sen Maj Ldr’s faction will drop in enthusiasm, unless they both recommended the same politician.

There is a chance of increasing/decreasing meters during the lingering phase if the cabinet member has a 4 admin (roll 6 for up/roll 1 for down) or 5 admin (5-6 up/1 down). A 3 admin (no chance for up/1 for down), 2 admin (no chance for up/1-2 for down), 1 admin (no chance for up/1-3 for down). 

Anyone made Sec of State, Sec of Treasury, Sec of Defense, Sec of War, or Att Gen has a 4-6 die roll chance of removing “obscure.” All other cabinets spots get the 4-6 die roll chance only on reappointment. This does not apply to lower cabinet. 

Similar to cabinet offices, there are also cabinet-level offices that require expertise and have a priority expertise that gives out more points. 

Once the cabinet offices are made, various lower offices are appointed. If the president is “pliable” then the offices are filled by the relevant cabinet-officer nominees. If the president does not have “pliable” then the lower offices are filled by the president, but will receive suggestions from “egghead” cabinet nominees, which can be agreed to or dismissed without penalty. Accepting the suggestion will result in a 5-6 die roll chance of faction enthusiasm increase. These lower-level offices do not face a confirmation hearing, but the cabinet-level officers will. 

A politician with “easily overwhelmed” cannot accept a cabinet offer unless no one else is available.

Politicians are not required to accept cabinet offers. If they decline, they suggest an alternative in return from their faction who is appointed, unless the president has Iron Fist, then the president can make another appointment on their own. 

Here are the cabinet officers and meters affected, which should be applied on appointment or reappointment, including if they are replacing a dead, resigned, or removed cabinet member. : 

  • Sec of State - Trade Relations, Foreign Rel, Global Prestige
  • Sec of Treasury - Economic Stability and Budget (decrease for Budget)
  • Sec of Defense/War/Navy - Military Preparedness
  • Att Gen - Urban Content
  • Agriculture - Revenue
  • Interior - Revenue until the Era of Neocons; then switches to Planet’s Health
  • Commerce - Trade Rel
  • Labor - Urban Cont
  • Health - Quality of Life
  • HUD - Urban Cont
  • Transp - Revenue
  • Education - Education
  • VA - Quality of Life
  • Energy - Nat Prod
  • Postmaster Gen - Dom Stab

CPU Movements:

  • The CPU will first honor “presidential promises.” The CPU will select the politician with the highest admin ability. If tied, the one with the preferred expertise is selected. If still tied, they’ll pick the one with “efficient,” if still tied, then they’ll pick from the lowest scoring faction of their party. Randomize if tied further. The CPU will only reappoint a cabinet officer 20% of the time. The CPU will select one other-party politician for their cabinet 50% of the time, but they will never have more than one from the other party at a time.
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Cabinet Confirmation in the Senate:


Confirmations require 60% Senate vote by default, but the Senate Majority Ldr (although not the Sen Pro Tempore in earlier years) might be able to alter this rule to help a confirmation by enforcing mechanisms like the nuclear option.. 


If the Senate Majority Leader (or Sen Pro Tempore in earlier eras) wants to block a cabinet confirmation, they must have a reason for calling on his or her party to attempt a party block of a nominee. To do a party-wide block attempt, the Sen Maj Leader must have either “Manipulative,” or “Leadership”. A Sen Maj Leader with “Iron Fist” can attempt to block any nominee regardless of reason, so long as he or she also has “Manipulative” or “Leadership”. If the San Maj ldr has “harmonious” he or she can only party-wide block someone on inexperience. Any faction leader within that party that does not go along with the Senate Majority Leader’s vote has a 1-2 die roll chance of gaining -1 in the next presidential election, if they choose to run for president. Here are the reasons for blocking:

  • Controversial -- nominee has the trait “Controversial”
  • Too Partisan -- nominee has LW Activist or RW Activist
  • Inexperienced - nominee has 2 or 1 in admin
  • Not the Right Personality for the Job -- nominee has “Disharmonious” or “Unlikable” 
  • Just for Spite -- No criteria for nominee; Sen Maj Leader has “Iron Fist”


A nominee can still be blocked without a call for a party-wide block if the factions  happen to oppose the nominee independently. Without a party-wide call, any Senator with “integrity” or “pliable” or “harmonious” will support confirmation in the initial vote. In short, calling on a party-wide block attempt will compel loyalty to the party somewhat. Sen Maj Leader may only call on a party-wide block for one presidential nomination, unless the president has “Unlikable,” then any office may face a party-wide block once. If a party-wide block is made, then roll a 1-2 for a -1 in party pref for the Sen Maj Ldr’s party, but roll a 5-6 for a +1 in the Sen Maj Ldr’s faction’s ideological enthusiasm.    


Following this decision, the US Senate has some ways to block an appointment. For instance, :

The Senate blocks the appointment with standard voting, or

Filibuster. Any Senator holding a relevant Senate Committee position for the cabinet spot in question (see below) and that has the trait “Puritan” can issue a filibuster to block the confirmation of one cabinet officer. In this case, the appointee will withdraw from nomination, unless the Sen Maj Leader, Party Leader, or President can bypass the filibuster. The Puritan can only filibuster one nomination. A puritan with harmonious will not attempt a fillibuster. A filibuster will give 5-6 +1 to the filibuster’s faction ideology enthusiasm, but will also have a 1-2 roll for -1 party pref.


The Senate Majority Leader might have some options if they have the right traits and ability. For instance, 

A Senate Majority Leader with Manipulation and a higher legislative ability than the Filibustering member can unleash “invoke cloture,” which forces a vote.

A Senate Majority Leader can also invoke the “nuclear option” if he or she has Manipulation and a higher legislative ability than the Senate Minority Leader. The nuclear option changes the rule from 60% votes for confirmation to a simple majority of 50% (VP votes if a tie), and results in a 1-2 die roll for -1 party pref. Similarly, a Sen Maj Ldr can revert away form the Nuclear Option, which allows a 5-6 die roll for +1 party pref for their party. 

Relevant Committees that may result in a filibuster situation include:

  • Foreign Affairs & Military (For State, Defense, UN Ambassador, National Intelligence/CIA)
  • Judiciary (For Att Gen and Homeland Security)
  • Economic (Treasury and Commerce)
  • Domestic (For all other cabinet spots)


The President also has some options if her or she has a high enough legislative ability,

If the president has higher legislative power than the Sen Maj Leader, then he or she can compel confirmation. 

If the Sen Maj Leader is of the same party as the president, then the president can compel confirmation if the president has “Iron Fist.”

If the president has at least 1 legislative ability, then he or she can attempt to convert a Senator’s vote with a 5-6 die roll chance of success (4-6 die roll chance targets that are  “Pliable” senators). The president can convert moderate or “pliable” Senators or members of his or her own ideology. The number of Senators that can be converted by the president are equal to the president’s legislative ability. 


Initial Voting. Some ideologies and traits will naturally oppose or support others. For instance:

Senators with puritan will automatically oppose confirming officers of the other party, unless they are moderate or the same ideology as the puritan.. 

Senators with integrity will automatically oppose officers with “Controversial” 

Senators with low brow will oppose eggheads if the other party.

Senators with egghead will oppose low brows of the other party

Senators with disharmonious have a 1-2 die roll chance of opposing a same party nominee of the party leader if the disharmonious politician's faction enthusiasm is less than the middle meter. 

Lackeys will always support their faction leader, so long as the faction leader has “leadership”

Senators with harmonious will support the nominee no matter what, unless a party-wide block is occuring, in which case they will oppose the pick only because of inexperience.

Senators will automatically confirm politicians that are of the same ideology, unless the Senator has integrity and the nominee has controversial.

Traditionalists will automatically vote against Progressives and vice-versa. 

Moderates will automatically vote against Populists, and vice-versa. 

If the President has “Leadership” and at least 1 legislative ability, then the last two instances don’t occur.


Overall, the Senate can only party-wide block the number equal to the Senate Majority Leader’s or Senate Minority Leader’s (whichever is the opposing party) Legislative Power. Therefore, a Sen Maj Ldr with 5 Legis Power, will be able to block 5 nominees of their choice. The senate can block more if they do so without a party-wide block. 


The Whips have a die roll of 6 chance of blocking a conversion of their same-party member. This is increased to 5-6 die roll chance if their legis ability is 5. The Whip will not block a conversion of a member that was instigated by their own faction. 


If a cabinet officer is blocked, then the president must select a new cabinet nominee that alleviates the concern. This replacement will automatically be confirmed: 

  • Blocked because of “Controversial” -- replacement must have “Integrity.”
  • Blocked because “Too Partisan” -- nominee must be “Liberal, Moderate, or Conservative”
  • Blocked because “Inexperienced” - nominee must have 3 or more admin.
  • Blocked because “Not the Right Personality for the Job” -- nominee must have “harmonious,” or “likable, or “pliable”
  • Just for Spite -- No criteria for replacement

Obviously, the replacements cannot have the same issues that the blocked cabinet member had. 


If a sitting governor is confirmed to a cabinet post, then the faction that controls that new cabinet officer will appoint a non-office-holding politician or politician in the State Government track from the same party and the same state. If none still exists, then the spot is Vacant for the purposes of actions and scoring, but will be said to still be in control of the party of the new cabinet member. This will represent a Lt Gov with little ambition and little ability that is just a placeholder.


If a sitting senator is confirmed, then the governor of the state of that Senator can make a replacement, or they can leave it vacant until the next election for that seat. 


CPU Movements:

  • The CPU will attempt a party-wide block for the possible reasons (random if there’s a choice) listed for a party-wide block. Independently, however, the CPU will vote against a nominee of the other party 25% of the time, and will vote against the nominee that is not of their ideology or bordering their ideology 50% of the time. When replacing a blocked appointment, the CPU will pick a random eligible politician of at least 3 admin ability. Totally random otherwise.
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Random Death/Retirement


Note: Random Death/Retirement does not use a 6-sided die, but uses a 0-100% system.


Self-explanatory. Politicians can die of natural, unnatural causes or retire. History has shown that many do die in office, especially in earlier eras. 


Different eras will have a different % chance of death to take into account life expectancy of different eras:

  • For the 1972-present, politicians aged 25-55 have a 1% chance of death during this phase. Those over 55 but under 75 have a 3% chance of death. Those over 75 have a 5% chance of death. Those over 90 have a 20% chance of death. 
  • For start dates between 1900-1972, the 25-55 is raised to 2%. Those between 55 and 75 are 10%. Those 75 or older are 25%. 
  • Prior to 1900, 25-50 are all 5%. 51-60 are all 10%. 61-74 are all 25%  Those older than 75 are 40%. 
  • Note: For age, the game will use a politician’s age at the start of the election cycle. Each election cycle is 2 years (half-term). Thus, a politician that is 74 in the year 2000, won’t count as 75 during any time in the 2000-2002 cycle, since age won’t be updated until the 2002-2004 cycle, when this politician will be 76. 

Any politician with the trait “Frail” has an extra 5% chance of random death and will be rolled first. Any politician with “hale” will not be rolled until they reach the 75 age bracket.

A politician will be retired once they hit 100 years of age or older. 

If an office holder dies, then a replacement is made immediately at the end of this phase: 

  • Senators will be replaced by their state’s governors. In the event the governor is also lost, the governor will need to be replaced first (see below)
  • Governors will be replaced by the faction that controlled the governor. 
  • The appropriate Congressional leaders will replace the Committee chairs or committee members. If the Speaker, House Maj Leader, or House Min Leader (or the Senate versions of these) die, then the Whips are promoted. Whip vacancies are filled by their respective superiors. House Maj Leader will be promoted to Speaker. 
  • The president will fill the cabinet, which will undergo another confirmation process. 
  • Sec of State will fill ambassadors
  • Sec of War/Defense/Navy will fill military officers. 
  • The VP or next in line of succession will take over as President
  • The president will replace the VP if an amendment allows that. Otherwise the office is vacant.  No confirmation is needed for the new VP.
  • SC Justice spots will be vacant until the next SC Justice nomination phase.
  • Etc. 

A faction can lose no more than 3 politicians due to random death/retirement. Two politicians from each faction will randomly retire (the president, VP, Speaker, Sen Maj Ldr, or party leader will not randomly retire). One politician from each faction will die, use the bracket system for each era above but place the “frail” politicians in the oldest bracket. Brackets will be rolled from oldest to youngest bracket. Once 2 politicians are rolled for death, then the rest remaining with the living.


The following is rolled to determine the cause of death by era. There are 10 options each, each with an equal chance:

  • Independence & Federalism: typhoid, smallpox, dysentery, tuberculosis, pneumonia, deadly accident, malaria, yellow fever, plague, unknown cause.
  • Republicanism: typhoid, dropsy, dysentery, tuberculosis, pneumonia, deadly accident, malaria, yellow fever, cholera, unknown cause.
  • Manifest Destiny: typhoid, dropsy, dysentery, tuberculosis, pneumonia, deadly accident, in a fight, yellow fever, cholera, unknown cause.
  • Nationalism: typhoid, malaria, dysentery, tuberculosis, pneumonia, deadly accident, in a fight, yellow fever, cholera, unknown cause.
  • Gilded Age: typhoid, malaria, dysentery, tuberculosis, pneumonia, deadly accident, diphtheria, yellow fever, bright’s disease, unknown cause.
  • Progressivism: cancer, heart attack, dysentery, tuberculosis, pneumonia, deadly accident, diphtheria, bronchitis, bright’s disease, unknown cause.
  • Normalcy: cancer, heart attack, dysentery, tuberculosis, pneumonia, deadly accident, diphtheria, diabetes, bright’s disease, unknown cause.
  • Ideologies: cancer, heart attack, cerebral hemorrhage, tuberculosis, pneumonia, deadly accident, bad lungs, diabetes, stroke, unknown cause.
  • Nuclear Age: cancer, heart attack, cerebral hemorrhage, cirrhosis, pneumonia, deadly accident, bad lungs, diabetes, stroke, unknown cause.
  • Neocons: cancer, heart attack, virus, cirrhosis, pneumonia, deadly accident, bad lungs, diabetes, stroke, unknown cause.
  • Terror: cancer, heart attack, virus, cirrhosis, pneumonia, deadly accident, addiction , diabetes, stroke, unknown cause.
  • Populism & Future: cancer, heart attack, virus, nervous system ailment, pneumonia, deadly accident, addiction, diabetes, stroke, unknown cause. Note: Era of the Future may eradicate some of these causes. 
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General Events

Note: General Events use a 0-100% scale of chance of occurrence rather than a 6-sided die.

The general events are presented to the player with whom the event is designed for. Oftentimes, this will be the president. If for the president, there is a chance that a cabinet officer with “egghead” will suggest a response. If the president has “pliable” then the president may hurt that cabinet member’s enthusiasm (1-2 die roll chance of -1) if he doesn’t take the suggestion. If the cabinet member has “Puritan” then there is a 1-2 die roll  chance the cabinet member resigns if the suggestion isn’t taken. If another cabinet member has “disharmonious” and is of a different ideology than the suggester, then there’s a 1-2 die roll chance that cabinet member resigns in protest, unless that cabinet member has “harmonious”. If a president has “pliable,” then a Sec of State, Sec of Treasury, Sec of War/Defense, Sec of Navy, Sec of Interior, or PM Gen, or key advisor with manipulation can change the president’s decision if the president has “pliable. has a 1-2 die roll chance of making the decision for the president. If the president also has “Easily Overwhelmed,” then they will make the decision. Additionally, a VP can make the decision if the President has “easily overwhelmed” In the event that multiple non-presidents have the ability to act on an event, the opportunity will go first to the player with the lowest score.

General Events have a % chance to occur at this time (see spreadsheet), depending on the event and depending on the era that the event is occuring in. 

General Events represent events that could occur at any point in history, with some exceptions. Some aren’t actually events, but are issues that increase or decrease the abilities of a politician, for instance. 

Some general events require the president and the cabinet to successfully implement the response. See the Implementation rules under special rules. 

Most responses will modify the game meters, such as budget, revenue, quality of life, etc. Additionally, most responses will award points or take away points from factions aligned with relevant ideologies, lobbies, or traits. 

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Scripted Events


Same rules as Gen Events apply here, but these will all go to the President. 


Note: Scripted Events use a 0-100% scale for chance of occurrence, rather than a 6-sided die system. 


Note: If the opposition party does not control the presidency or the House, then their party will gain ideology enthusiasm, instead of lose ideology enthusiasm, when their faction is marked to be hurt by a response in a scripted event. This is to show the party is angry and roused by negative partisanship. This rule does not exist if the opposition party controls a house of congress. 


Scripted Events represent the kinds of unique events that define a presidency. They are responded to exactly like the general events (see the rules for General Events).  


The primary difference is that Scripted Events typically only occur once and they are unique from general events in content. They often have larger consequences, and they can often create further scripted events. 


There will be at least two scripted events that occur per half-term and no more than eight per half-term. If fewer than two scripted events come up, then reroll until two occur. If scripted events for the era are exhausted, then a general event will replace the missing scripted events. If more than 8 scripted events come up, then use only the first 8 that come up.


The president player’s cards play a large role in responding to scripted events. Most responses either gain points or lose points for players holding cards. Additionally to points lost or gained per the spreadsheet, the following meters can be affected:

  • If the president only has cards that gain during an event or legislation signing, and doesn’t have any cards that lose points, then there’s a 5-6 die roll chance of +1 Faction Enthusiasm for his or her faction. 
  • If they only lose points (no card held by the president benefits), then there’s a 1-2 die roll chance of -1 Faction Enthusiasm for his or her faction.  
  • If the president mostly loses pts in an event or legislation signing or does not gain any (breaks even), then there’s a 1-2 die roll chance of -1 Faction Enthusiasm for his or her faction. 
  • If an allied faction gains more points then all other factions in the game, regardless of party, then there’s a 5-6 die roll chance of +1 for that faction’s enthusiasm for the president. 
  • If a faction of the other party gains more points than all factions in your own party, then there’s a 1-2 die roll chance of -1 for that faction’s enthusiasm for the president.
  • If an allied faction loses the most points of any faction, regardless of party, then there’s a 1-3 die roll chance -1 for that faction’s enthusiasm for the president.


See Implementation Rules under special rules as these are used in many of these events.


Some Scripted Events can lead to a military, economic, climate, or health crisis. 


Some Scripted Events will linger for a few years if the president ignores them, allowing for action at a later point. 


Note: Any points/penalties regarding state industries impact the state Gov (and the two Senators) of the state (or states, if tied) leading industry. 


Note: The rules for scripted events are slightly different during the Era of Independence

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Lingering Phase

Note: Linger phase doesn’t use a 6-sided die. It operates on a 0 to 100% system


Note: Economic crises and economic booms will never last more than 10 years. 


Note: If a meter has been maxed out for over 4 years (two half-terms) straight, then there’s a 1-2 die roll at this stage to decrease the meter. Similarly, if a meter is at its worst spot, then there’s a 5-6 die roll for an improvement. 


Legislation, events, actions, highly skilled administration members, and other factors can impact the game meters. Game meters can affect the popularity of the incumbent party, and they can make things easier or more difficult for the incumbent administration. Some meters can end the game if they fall too low. 


Each historical era will increase the chances of a meter falling. Additionally, tariffs and income tax decay by 10% every 2 years once they reach the age of 10. Once they are 20 years old, the tariff and income tax are so ineffective that they do nothing. This prompts a tariff crisis and/or an income tax crisis. These types of decay are applied to the meters, which are rolled twice. The first roll will pit the % positive with the % negative for the meter. 


After this, volatility is rolled. Tariffs and income tax face a volatility roll when they reach the 2, 4, and 8 year marks. Depending on the legislation, this could swing wildly between 5% to 20% usually. The swing, one way or the other, adjusts any existing numbers by the volatile number for the legislation for that year. Roll to see if the % goes up or down.


After a volatility is determined, we have all the % for all lingering legislation. So we must determine now if legislation will help or hurt the meters.  To do this, you pit the positive % for each meter with the negative % for each meter based from the lingering legislation. Roll based on the % to see the percent chance it might go up or down on the meter. Once this is determined, roll the winning positive or negative with a chance of nothing changing.  If the meter is at one of the top two or bottom two meters, there’s 25% chance of no change. Otherwise, there’s a 50% chance of change.


Move the meters, but there may be a saving grace for the administration, and that is if the cabinet is well run. If a meter is below the middle, the cabinet could help the country. Some cabinet offices allow for a chance of helping or hurting the meters. If a relevant cabinet member has a 5 admin, there’s a 5-6 die roll chance of improvement and a 1 die roll chance of their relevant meter getting worse. At 4 admin, it’s 6 die up/1 die down. At 3 admin no up/1 down, at 2 admin no up/1-2 down. At 1 admin, no/1-3 down. On top of this, if the cabinet member is “efficient”, then double the number if it is at the worst meter. If the cabinet member is “easily overwhelmed” they cannot help or hurt the meter as they were often not doing anything to help or hurt their department. If they have “incompetent” then you cannot role the positive %. 


Here are the meters and which cabinet officers impact the meters:

  • Revenue-Budget - Sec of Treasury & Sec of Commerce
  • Economic - Sec of Treasury & Chairman of Fed Reserve
  • Various Foreign Relations - Sec of State & UN Amb
  • Military Preparedness - Sec of War/Defense/Navy & Sec of Homeland Security
  • Domestic - Att Gen & HUD & Labor
  • Honest Government -- see special lingering rules
  • Quality of Life - Health, Education, Agriculture
  • Planet’s Health - Energy & the hypothetical science and environment cabinet posts.


Special Lingering Rules: 

  • For the corruption meter cabinet roll phase: Add up the number of controversial Governors, US Senators, US Reps, and Supreme Court Justices. If this number is larger than those with integrity holding the same offices, then there’s a 1-2 die roll chance of honest government decreasing. If integrity is higher, then there’s a 5-6 die roll chance of increase in honest government. 
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Governor Actions: 

Note: Governor’s will be notified when new actions are available. 


Note: Every state has an industry and alternate industries that can be invested in. The industry with the most investment is the leading industry. In the event of a tie, there are multiple lead industries. 


Note: Governors of states that are leading in an industry get 100 pts at this time. If tied, multiple do. 


Governors also have a few options (See Gov Actions spreadsheet). Most actions will have some basic requirements, such as having one same-party US Senator, or having a specific expertise. The chance of a Governor’s Action being successful is dependent on the governor's governing ability. A such, an experienced governor or a politician that was on the governing career track will likely have more success than someone with 1 in governing skill. 


First, If an amendment has been passed by Congress, then every Governor will be required to respond to the Amendment, voting Aye or Nay. Three-fourths (75%) of the states must approve an amendment for it to take effect.  Governors marked “Puritans” will automatically vote for or against an Amendment, depending on if it helps or hurts their faction. Governors will automatically vote for or against an amendment, depending on if it scores points or takes away points of an industry, unless “Puritan.” Governors marked “Pliable” have a 1-2 die roll chance of having their vote converted by a Party Leader, and increased to 1-3 die roll if the party leader has “Leadership,” and 1-4 die roll chance if the party leader has both “Leadership” and “Iron Fist.” 


Governors will also handle any secession crisis should one arrive (see special rules).


After any votes on amendments or secession votes occur, then governor’s can move to their governor’s actions . A governor may attempt one action unless they have “efficient,” in which case they can attempt two. If they have “incompetent,” then there’s a 1-2 die roll chance they can’t commit an action.  If the governor’s chance of successfully implementing the action depends on their governor’s ability. 1 or 2 gov = 5-6 die roll; 3 gov = 4-6 die roll; 4 gov = 3-6 die roll; 5 gov = 2-6 die roll.. 


If the Attorney General has a higher judicial skill than the Governor, then they, at the president’s discretion, can challenge a governor’s gerrymandering or anti-corruption attempt in the Supreme Court. The Att Gen can only do this once per half-term in one state.

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Supreme Court Decisions

Note: Associate Justice gives their player 50 pts each time this phase is reached. A Chief Justice gives their player 100 pts each time this phase is reached. 


Note: There will be an option for SC Decisions to be completely automated for those that believe the SC would act independently of faction or party. 


The Supreme Court must be created via legislation and with a set number of justices. Without the Supreme Court, states will be able to nullify Federal laws since there will be no court above the state courts. This makes the creation of the federal court a top priority. 


The Supreme Court receives cases similar to events, but they also could receive cases via challenges by state governments (provided Judicial Review exists). 


The Chief Justice has the power to delay one case by one half-term if he or she so chooses. If the Chief Justice has the highest judicial ability on the bench, then he or she can delay two court cases. If any Associate Justice has higher judicial ability than the Chief Justice, then he or she can prevent the delay. 


A simple majority of votes among the justices will determine a case. In the case of a tie, for game purposes, the case is delayed until the next phase when there are an odd number of judges.


Judges with “Puritan” must vote with their ideology. 


The first vote is an initial vote, then there is an attempt at vote conversion. Vote conversions can occur under the following circumstances. First the justice must have a higher judicial ability than the target justice. “Puritans” are immune to being targeted. A Justice with “Integrity” cannot commit any of these actions below.:

  • A Justice with “manipulative” has a 5-6 die roll chance of converting another justice’s vote if the target justice is “pliable”
  • A justice with “debate” has a 5-6 die roll chance of converting a moderate ideology judge. 
  • A president or party leader with both “controversial” and “manipulative” has a 5-6 die roll chance of converting a moderate justice’s stance.  
  • A president with “Iron Fist” can force justices of his or her party to follow his or her preference, unless they have “integrity.” 
  • A justice with 5 judicial skill has a 5-6 die roll chance of converting a moderate. 
  • An Attorney General that has an equal or better judicial skill can block a conversion of a Justice being targeted.
  • A justice with “incompetent” will forget to decide 1-2 die roll chance of the time. 
  • A justice with “lackey” will vote according to their faction leader’s ideology if the leader has “leadership”
  • A justice with “low brow” will decide randomly 1-2 die roll chance of the time 
  • A justice with “disharmonious” will vote against the majority 1-2 die roll chance of the time, unless it hurts his or her ideology.
  • A justice with “low brow” cannot be converted by a justice with egghead or vice versa.

The Chief Justice can compel a unanimous decision under the following conditions: 

  • - Chief Justice has 5 judicial ability
  • - No justice has "puritan" "LW Activist" or "RW Activist"
  • - Player with SC Justice rolls a 6. If they have "Iron Fist," then add a 5. If they have both of these and "debate," then add a 4. If they have all of these and "integrity" add a 3. 

CPU Movements:

  • The CPU justices will operate according to the SC Justice’s specific ideology. That is, not in accordance with their faction’s ideology cards. The will make their decision based on if it earns points for their ideology. They will never vote in a way that causes them to lose points. If there is no points gained/lost, then they will vote with an ideology bordering their own that gains points (random if both sides). They will otherwise vote randomly. CPU justices obviously suffer the same handicaps as human justice as listed in this phase of the rules. 
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Note: Players will be notified when new diplomatic options are available


Note: Any treatise triggered from the president, cabinet, legislature or events are conducted at this time, and will then go to the Congress for ratification in the next legis phase.


Note: An alliance treaty must be made to move the foreign relations meter to ally. The option becomes available when the meter reaches there but can’t move further forward. 


The Sec of State suggests actions for each diplomat. If the president is “pliable” and the Sec of State has “manipulative,” then the president must accept the suggestion. 


The president sends all of his or her US Ambassadors to their appropriate countries. A diplomat cannot be sent to Enemies or Hostile nations, except via events or issues. They must have their ambassador do one of the following:


  • For all of the actions below, the ambassador’s admin ability will determine success or failure. 
  • An ambassador with a skill of 1 or 0 has a 0 chance of success and a 1-3 die-roll of failure. 
  • An ambassador with a skill of 2-3 has a 6 die roll chance of success and a 1-2 die roll chance of failure.
  • An ambassador with a skill of 4 has a 5-6 die roll chance of success and a 1 die roll chance of failure. 
  • An ambassador with a skill of 5 has a 4-6 die roll chance of success and a 0 chance of failure.

These traits are applied to these actions: 

  • Increasing Relations: Success improves meter by 1 and failure decreases it by 1. 
  • Increase Trade Relations: You cannot have relations worse than neutral. Success allows you a 5-6 die roll of improving the revenue/budget, and failure leads to a 1-2 die roll of decreases revenue/budget.  
  • Extending Credit or Taking:  Relations must be neutral or better with the nation approached. See the spreadsheet for Loans and National Debt).
  • Provoke a Country with retaliatory tariff/embargo: Must be approved by Congress until the President is granted full tariff powers. Relations cannot be better than neutral. Decreases relations by 1 and 1-2 die roll chance of war. 


See special rules for War Treaties and non-military Treaties in the spreadsheet. Major wars will have unique treaties, while minor wars will have either a generic minor war treaty or a generic Native American war treaty. These treaties will require a Sec of State, a relevant diplomat. The president will also impact success. 


Overall, see the Foreign Relation meters in the spreadsheet.


CPU Movements:

  • The CPU will never seek to make relations worse. They will 50% of the time seek to improve relations and 25% of the time seek to take out a loan, unless revenue/budget is at its best meter, 25% chance to increase trade relations. 
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Military Action


Some events, actions, issues can lead to military actions. Consult the War Charts for these rules in full, but here are some of the rules.


Wars are classified as Major, Minor, and Operation, all of which have different lingering effects.:

  • Major: 80% + budget; 20% +/- economy, national production, and global prestige; 20% - quality of life; 30% - incumbent party preference. 
  • Minor: 40% + budget; 10% +/- economy, national production, and global prestige; 20% chance - incumbent party support. 
  • Operation: 20% + budget; 10% chance - incumbent party support.
  • Note: The incumbent party preference penalty doubles every 4 years that a war lingers. 


See charts


If the War is won via battles rather than via diplomacy:

  • See if war is marked for “Leads to Another War,” in which case activate that war. 
  • If a major war, apply “Celebrity” to the highest ranking military and naval officer and to the officer responsible for winning the last ground battle in the war as they are now war heroes. Add +2 to incumbent party preference and +1 to incumbent faction enthusiasm (unless president is a “Pacifist”). Incumbent president gains a permanent +1 in elections. 
  • If a minor war, add +1 to both incumbent party preference and +1 incumbent faction enthusiasm (unless president is a “Pacifist”)
  • Add 5-6 die roll chance of +1 party preference to incumbent party for winning Operation war; Add +1 incumbent faction enthusiasm if President has “expansionist.”


If the War is lost via battles rather than via diplomacy:

  • See if war is marked “Leads to invasion of the US,” in which case activate that war.
  • No matter the type of war, apply a permanent -1 for elections to the highest ranking military and naval officer, reduce their mil ability by 1. Give the incumbent president a permanent -1 for elections as well. Reduce the incumbent party’s party preference by -2. 


Note: *The highest military officer for ground levels will be the the Joints Chiefs of Staff, Army Chief of Staff, or Senior Military Officer 


If a battle is occuring abroad, then you must win all the naval battles before going to ground battles. If the battle is occurring domestically, then it can be a ground or naval battle at any time. 


Special Rules:

  • Any war marked “Major” counts as a military crisis. 
  • If the US loses an invasion of the US, the game ends. 
  • If a general/admiral wins a battle, there is a 5-6 die roll chance of their ability increasing, 5-6 die roll chance of gaining “Military Leader,” and 5-6 die roll chance of gaining “Efficient.” If a general/admiral loses a battle, there is a 5-6 die roll chance of their ability decreasing, 1-2 die roll chance of gaining “Easily Overwhelmed,” 1-2 die roll chance of gaining “Pliable.” 
  • The president can remove any officer that loses a phase. If removed, the Sec of Defense/War, fills the spot immediately, unless the President has a Mil ability of 4 or 5, in which case he or she does.
  • If a war is on-going, and a president is reelected, then they gain the “Military” expertise and gain +1 in Mil ability. 
  • If a president starts more than two wars during a half-term, they gain the trait “Expansionist.”
  • Military officers have a 1 die roll chance of being wounded or killed on phases with a difficulty level of “difficult”. If a military officer rolls that 1 die, another die roll of 1 will mean they are killed. A die roll of 2 means they lived but are permanently discharged because of injuries. If a die roll of 3-5, then they are inactive for the rest of the military phase. If a 6, then the injuries are not significant, but they lose 1 ability for the rest of the military phase. 
  • A court martial trial can occur (see special rules), if one military officer loses an easy battle, or if a military officer with “Easily Overwhelmed” or “controversial” loses a moderate battle. The court martial will be issues by by any Congressional leader.
  • Improve relations of those marked enemies by 1 following the end of a war, but only if one of these enemies was the direct opponent of the war.  Additionally, if one of those marked enemies was a direct opponent of the war, then also reduce the relations with your allies by one as they become slightly jealous of your success and growing power. 


CPU Movements:

  • The CPU will replace a military officer if given the chance and the military leader’s military ability is 2 or less. 
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Congressional Proposals


Note: Any bill that has a chance of increasing the budget is considered a “Spending Bill” for whenever that term comes up. The meters will sometimes determine if players are restricted on “Spending Bills.” If too many “Spending Bills” are proposed, then the first “Spending Bills” proposed will have the first chance to be the “Spending Bill(s)” to be passed. If the restriction is met, then any other proposed “Spending Bills” for that half-term are automatically stripped from consideration. 


Note: Tariff and Tax rule. Use standard legislative point system when creating an initial tariff or tax or when repealing it without a replacement. When replacing an existing tariff or tax rule, use the following: 

  • If the tax is replaced by a tax that increases a tax by 5% or less, then minor (10 pts)  positive for Liberals and Wall Street and minus for Traditionalists and Big Corporations. 
  • If the tax is replaced by a tax that increases a tax by 6-10%, then moderate (50 pts) positive for Progressives, Liberals and Wall Street and minus for Conservatives, Traditionalists, and Big Corporations. 
  • If the tax is replaced by a tax that increases a tax by 11-25%, then major (100 pts) positive for LW Pop, Progressives, Welfare, and minus for Conservatives, Traditionalists, RW Pop, Big Corporations, Big Oil & Gas
  • If the tax is replaced by a tax that increases a tax by over 25%, then rare major (500 pts) positive for LW Pop, Welfare, Public Education, and minus for Moderates, Conservatives, Traditionalists, RW Pop, Big Corporations, Big Oil & Gas
  • If the tax is replaced by a tax that decreases a tax by 5% or less, then....opposite of minor above
  • If the tax is replaced by a tax that decreases a tax by 6-10%, then....opposite of moderate above
  • If the tax is replaced by a tax that decreases a tax by 11-25%, then….opposite of major above
  • If the tax is replaced by a tax that decreases a tax by over 25%, then….opposite of rare major
  • If the tariff is replaced by a tariff that is 5% higher or less, then minor (10 pts) plus for protectionists, isolationists, labor unions, manufacturing industry and minus free trade, Big agriculture, agriculture industry, Plantation economy industry, globalists. Prior to Era of Ideologies, Big Corporations and Wall Street positive on increased Tariffs and minus on at Era of Ideologies and afterwards. LW Pop and RW Pop minus on increased tariffs until Era of Neocons, after which they get positives on increased tariffs. 
  • If the tariff is replaced by a tariff that is 6-10% higher, then….ditto but moderate (50 pts)
  • If the tariff is replaced by a tariff that is 11-25% higher, then…ditto but major (100 pts)
  • If the tariff is replaced by a tariff that is higher than 25%, then….ditto but rare major (500 pts)
  • If the tariff is replaced by a tariff that is 5% lower or less, then….opposite of minor tariff above
  • If the tariff is replaced by a tariff that is 6-10% lower, then….opposite of moderate tariff above
  • If the tariff is replaced by a tariff that is 11-25% lower, then…opposite of major tariff above
  • If the tariff is replaced by a tariff that is lower than 25%, then….opposite of rare major tariff above


Note: Cabinet members that have 4 or 5 admin can propose legislation connected to their department, which must then be approved by the president. This legislation will be marked for the legislative proposals phase, which can then be adopted as a legislative proposal by a same party proposal. If that proposal is picked up and succeeds, then the cabinet member and the proposer earn 50 points. If a proposal goes unclaimed, then the cabinet member loses 50 points. 


Note: Crisis legislation will be highlighted, as will natural disaster legislation. If natural disaster legislation is not passed or vetoed, then TBD penalty for Speaker, Sen Maj Ldr, or Pres, depending on where it fails. Party pref penalty perhaps.


Note: Players will be notified when new legis props are available. 


Note: Perhaps have presidential and cabinet proposals here instead of during the cabinet and pres actions phases. Need to say what traits abilities will allow a proposal. 


Note: Sec of State if efficient or 4 or 5 admin can propose a treaty without it counting against a legislator’s proposal


Note: Picking up bills suggested by a cabinet officer will score double points for the proposer if it passes


Note: Sec of Treasury’s proposal will not count as one of the legislature proposals if the treasurer is either efficient or has a 4 or 5 admin.


Note: A new income tax bracket can only be proposed once every 4 years; a new tariff can only be proposed once every 8 years. A bill cannot be repealed 2-years after it has been passed, unless there was a party change in one of the houses of congress. 


Note: Scores for legislation will not be processed until they are signed, successfully vetoed, or a veto is overridden. That is, they are scored when they are defeated or become law. 


Note: Any bill that has a chance to improve a meter that is at crisis level, will not penalize any faction. That is, no faction can net negative points. Additionally, points awarded for this legislation will double. 


Note: Proposers can only propose bills that help one of their cards or with an ongoing crisis. That is a bill that improves a meter connected to a crisis. One exception is a military bill that enhances the ability of the military during war time. *Note to self, mark legislation for which kinds of crises the can help*


Note: All committee members must make a proposal for a bill or a repeal of a bill, unless the player has the traditionalist card, in which case they can avoid a proposal. 


Note: Players must vote for the legislation that they themselves propose. The exception is, if in the initial voting phase, their legislation is packaged with bills that would cause them to lose more points than they would gain. 


Note: If the opposition party does not control the presidency or the House, then their party will gain faction enthusiasm, instead of lose faction enthusiasm, when their faction is marked to be hurt by a passed bill, so long as that faction doesn’t vote for the bill. This is to show the party is angry and roused by negative partisanship. This rule does not exist if the opposition party controls a house of congress. 


Note: In addition to the chance of enthusiasm going up or down, the faction that gains the most points after the legislation session points have been given out will see their enthusiasm rise. That which sees the most points lost (or the least gained), will see their enthusiasm drop, unless the “opposition party rules” are in play.


A proposer that is “Easily overwhelmed” has a 1-2 die roll chance of letting the highest ranking legislative member of their party pick the proposal for them. An incompetent politician has a 1-2 die roll chance of not proposing.


Proposals are made by the Ranking and 3rd Members of the House and Senate Committees with one exception. If a Party Leader has a higher Legis Power than a Ranking or 3rd Member of the same party, then the Party Leader can swap in a different proposal, replacing the proposal of the same party member. The party leader can only do this to one committee member per half-term. 


Supermajority Rule: If a party has a Supermajority, then the Chairs of the Committees may also propose legislation in the house of Congress where a supermajority exists. For game purposes, this benchmark will be 60% of the Senate or House.   


Proposers get one proposal each per half-term, unless they have the trait “Efficient,” or if they have a 5 in legislative ability, in which cases they get two proposals. Proposals do not need to correspond with the appropriate committees that the members are parts of. If a proposer has “incompetent,” then there’s a 1-2 die roll chance they fail to propose, earning the penalty for failing to propose.


Committee members who are friendly with the president should consider proposing legislation that fulfills platform goals or deals with any ongoing crises. If the opposition has the numbers, they should work to thwart the president. However, bipartisanship might be necessary to keep the country afloat. 


Proposing a repeal of an existing law counts as a proposal. These are often important proposals for Traditionalists and sometimes for Progressives or Populists to make. Do not overlook repealing laws, especially if you’ve been consistently losing points to legislation that has been passed. 


Some bills require a replacement if repealed. These kinds of bills include:

  • Income Tax or Income Tax Bracket (if an Income Tax amendment exists).
  • Minimum Wage
  • Tariffs Rates, until the president is granted power over the tariffs.
  • Repealing of a bill scores double points if a Traditionalist proposes a repeal and the repeal is successful. 


Bills can also score points or take away points from players that control politicians in states with a key industry that is affected by the bill. For instance, if a bill hurts the Oil & Gas industry, then players controlling governors, senators, and US Reps in states that have Oil & Gas as the leading industry will lose points if the bill becomes law.


A player that proposes or repeals a law that hurts more of their cards than helps their cards, will have 100 pts reduced and their faction leader has a 1-2 die roll chance of a temporary -1 in the next election. If this player controls the party leader, then there is also a -1 to base support and a 1-3 die roll chance of -1 party preference. If the repeal hurts one of their party allies more than it helps them, then the party leader has a 1-3 die roll chance of a temporary -1 in the next election. 


Some bills are actually technically procedures. I’ll likely mark these so they’re voted on independently of packages.

If the president proposed legislation during the President's Actions phase, then the legislation will be marked for pickup by a same-party committee member of the committee to which the legislation belongs. That is, if a Democratic president proposes Medicare, then a Democrat in the Domestic Committee can sponsor the proposal. The president's proposal counts as an extra proposal and will not count against the typical allowances a proposer generally has. If no one picks up the proposal, then the president's player loses 100 points. 


CPU Movements:

  • The CPU will propose laws to deal with a crisis 50% of the time if there is a crisis, unless the politician has “puritan,” in which case they will only propose laws that help their faction’s ideology. 25% of the time the politician will propose a bill that helps their faction. 25% of the time they will propose a bill that helps their party as a whole, unless they are “puritan,” in which case they propose their faction’s ideology.
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