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Constructive Results of AMPU Summer Playtest

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@MrPotatoTed and anyone else

If Legis props get turned into events, sort of like in Rick Heli’s FF, I’m thinking I’ll allow some choice. President will have some legislation as a platform.  I think if Congress is in opposition, then the Speaker will set the legislative agenda. That means some proposals are guaranteed to pop up. While some might be randomized. 

This is just a Plan B, C, or D. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

About to head to teach, but stayed to take the late train so I could fill out more descriptions. Only had time to fill out one because there was an obscure rule I needed to add! One of the pres actions is "Emulate the French Revolution." This is a very rare action that I bet happens like once every 50 or 100 playthroughs. It can only be enacted by a LW Pop, RW Pop, Progressive, or Liberal president with "Puritan" and only if we are allied with France, in the Era of Federalism, and the French Revolution event has occurred: 

3.0.23 French Revolution Rules

These rules are used for “Emulate the French Revolution”


First, coup rules are used for the applicable president to change his own government. If the coup fails, the President faces an impeachment trial for “Treason.” If the coup fails, then continue to….


Second, the president purges his or her entire administration, the Supreme Court, US Senate, and US Reps, Military of those from the “Conservative,” “Traditionalist,” or “Moderate” factions, and replaces them with people from the any faction with a LW Pop, RW Pop, Progressive, or Liberal. The President of the Revolutionary Republic will serve with elections, but if he or she has “iron fist,” and military ability then they serve for life. Only politicians from friendly factions can run for president. Revolutionary President will have the power to appoint US Senators and Governors.


Third, countercoup occurs. Use coup rules with the opposition party leader launching a coup to restore America. Standard coup rules. If coup fails then….


Fourth, if 75% of the governors of New England + NY are led by governors from enemy factions, then Northern Secession occurs with Northern Civil War. If 75% of governors in Upper South and Deep South are led by enemy factions, then Southern Secession occurs with Early Civil War. 


Fifth, President will replace governors with friendly faction’s politicians. [Note: in the event that filling a spot is impossible, a temporary generated politician of appropriate ideology will fill the void.]


Sixth, if the President has “Controversial,” then they may launch a “reign of terror” in emulation of the French Revolution. All Moderates, Conservatives, and Traditionalists that did not secede with their states, have a 50% chance of being arrested and guillotined. If “reign of terror” is unleashed, then another counter coup occurs. If there is no opposition leader because the opposition leader seceded, then it goes to an opposition faction leader that did not secede. If none is applicable, then the highest value politician from the enemy factions with at least 1 command is opposition leader for the sake of the coup roll. If coup succeeds, then US is restored but still at war with seceding states, who don’t want to return to a fragile country. If coup fails, (or reign of terror doesn’t occur) then…


Seventh, 75% chance of war with Great Britain (War of 1812); France will be fixed as an ally so long as we are a Revolutionary Republican. 


Eighth, Until war with seceding states are resolved on battlefield or diplomacy, there will be a coup against the Revolutionary Government every half-term during the event phase. Until Great Britain is defeated in an on-going war, there is a 25% chance of a coup. If Great Britain is defeated, then the Revolution succeeds. There will be no more coups. 


Ninth, If Revolution succeeds, there is a new Constitutional Convention with delegates only coming from friendly factions. However, after the Constitution, all factions will be able to take part in the new government, as even the Revolutionary government will start to normalize. Elections, and so forth, will now allow any ideology.

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