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Everything posted by jnewt

  1. Replace the bolded proposal with: Universal Achievement Standard for K-12 Education in Public Schools
  2. It’s Moon Landrieu naming it after himself though, not LBJ
  3. Sec. Anna Schwartz: Create the Job Corps Sec. Moon Landrieu: Rename the HUD building (after himself) Pres. Lyndon Johnson: Create a Food Stamp Welfare Program for Low or No Income Families Sen. Frear Jr: *pick up Secretary Landrieu's proposal* Sen. Small Long: Make MLK Day a National Holiday Sen. Sewell: Cap the House of US Reps at 500 Sen. Henry Jackson: REPEAL Create Temporary Wartime Income Tax on a progressive scale of 5% to 10% for most incomes
  4. Sorry - let’s improve the manufacturing industry then
  5. DC Madeleine Albright (1) - increase alt energy industry RI Robert F Kennedy (1) (efficient) - institute two-term term limits AND term-limited gov can run again after a term out of office NY John Lindsay (5) - state primary placement (group 1) VT Ramsey Clark (1) - four year terms WA Tom Bradley (1) - establish overtime pay ND Thomas Eagleton (2) - increase high tech industry
  6. (These are my cabinet members’ recommendations just to be clear, not the Presidents’ decisions.)
  7. Rwanda: B Congo: A Panama Canal: A South Africa: B
  8. A NSA: Reubin Askew @DJBillyShakes Germany: Ellis Arnall @jnewt China (to replace Askew): Larry O'Brien @jnewt A
  9. Madeleine Albright @jnewt Nick Galifianakis @DJBillyShakes El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (fka Malcolm X) @10centjimmy Wesley A Brown @10centjimmy David Hall @jnewt
  10. Shit, I know I checked so I’m not sure what I was looking at lmao. I’d rather go back to the drawing board but also don’t want to grind this thing to a halt, so let’s do this: 1. Leave Boyd at CIA (his term wasn’t up so that doesn’t count against retaining 5 people). 2. Move Foglietta to UN. 3. Move Harris to AG (she has Welfare, but not Justice, so I can’t just move her to FBI). 4. Move Calogero to FBI.
  11. Sen. David Stone - Separate Election for Vice President Amendment (includes primaries) Sen. William Cocke - Six-Year Term Presidency Amendment
  12. They aren't, but that would be kind of cool. I think it's way too late to add it to the game at this point, though.
  13. State RETAIN***Sec. Harold Brown DJBilly Treasury RETAIN***Sec. Anna Schwartz jnewt Defense NSA Alan J Dixon ShortKing AG Pascal F Calogero Jr DJBilly Interior RETAIN***Sec. Stewart Udall jnewt Agriculture Sec. Lee Metcalf 10Cent Commerce Amb. Endicott Peabody 10Cent Labor Amb. Juanita Kreps ECCPU HEW Sec. Robert W Straub ECCPU HUD RETAIN***Sec. Moon Landrieu jnewt Transportation Walter Mondale 10Cent Energy Fmr. Sec. George McGovern jnewt CIA Thomas Foglietta (assuming Boyd gets confirmed at FBI) jnewt FBI CIA Dir. Alan Boyd ShortKing UN Gov. Patricia Roberts Harris jnewt Fed Not up for appointment***Chairman Paul Volcker jnewt Chair JCOS Not up for appointment***Chairman Thomas H Moorer ECCPU NSA Fmr. Ambassador Franklin D Roosevelt Jr. 10Cent Key Advisor UK Amb. Richard Holbrooke ShortKing France George Sinner ShortKing Spain Joe Biden DJBilly Germany RETAIN***Amb. Clark Clifford DJBilly Russia Amb. Sander Levin DJBilly China Reubin Askew DJBilly Japan Dolores Huerta 10Cent Israel Fmr. Gov. Roy Romer jnewt Chief of Naval Ops Adm. Stansfield Turner jnewt Admiral Joseph Califano (to replace Turner) ShortKing
  14. NC Jesse Franklin (3) - improve agriculture industry PA Simon Snyder (5) - improve finance industry SC William Smith (1) - improve agriculture industry VA James Pleasants (1) - improve agriculture industry
  15. Shoot, I have not been strategizing for that in either playtest…
  16. Ahhhh, I thought we only stopped allowing career trackers to run for office, not appointments to the senate - I’ll appoint William Butler @ShortKing. On a related note, does that mean we can’t appoint career trackers to the cabinet/military/SCOTUS either?
  17. LBJ will try to convert Elizabeth Warren @theFreezerFlame Shirley Chisholm will take on Rev. Martin Luther King Jr as her one out-of-state master protege
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