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Magnus Rex

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Everything posted by Magnus Rex

  1. Correction, Adams has only one legal move, to New York. Action just to Taney @ConservativeElector2
  2. Jackson goes to Kentucky Action to Adams and then Taney @ConservativeElector2
  3. Round 0 Gallatin starts in PA: 25 votes Jackson starts in TN: 10 votes Adams starts in New England: 42 votes Taney starts in Maryland: 10 votes Round 1 action to Gallatin @themiddlepolitical
  4. Gallatin has asked Andrew Jackson to join the liberal ticket once again and Jackson accepts. Election order will go Gallatin, Jackson, Adams, Taney
  5. Public Support favors the incumbent party, so challenger John Quincy Adams gets to choose his running mate first @ConservativeElector2
  6. Election Phase The Liberal Party re-nominates the incumbent President, Albert Gallatin of Pennsylvania, with no dispute. The Conservatives, however, have a choice. John C. Calhoun is the frontrunner, but with 1 Black Ring has the prerogative to decline nomination. If he does, the party will automatically nominate John Quincy Adams, who also has 1 Black Ring on his resume. Choice to @Pringles to run again or to pass the nomination to @ConservativeElector2. Passing will take the 1 Black Ring away.
  7. Treasury Phase With no national debts to repay, Uncle Sam generates 51 in revenue adding to the previous reserve of 161. We'll go into the next Term with 212 in Reserves.
  8. Last call @themiddlepolitical for any attempt at repealing the Level 2 Tariff, enacting the Level 3 tariff, or putting any new taxes forward.
  9. Assuming the President's faction would vote Aye on a measure his office put forward, the motion to repeal the Property Auction Tax fails, 19 in favor and 31 opposed.
  10. Next up for the vote is @Pringles on repealing the Property Auction Tax
  11. I'm up next and vote Yay bringing us to 4 in favor 10 opposed, vote now to @ConservativeElector2
  12. Vote to @WVProgressive on repealing the Property Auction Tax
  13. Vote to Congress starting with @Hestia Should we repeal the Property Auction Tax?
  14. Buchanan can only put the proposal forward if there is a donation of 2 IP. Would any players be willing to chip in IP support to repeal the Property Auction Tax? @ConservativeElector2 @Pringles @themiddlepolitical @Hestia @WVProgressive
  15. Ratifying our 18th state yields +1 popularity each to Gallatin and Jackson and updates the map for the upcoming election. Last call Mr. President for any treasury bills before we process the Treasury Phase and start the Election of 1824 Repeal Level 2 Tariff or Enact Level 3 Tariff (can only do one this turn) Repeal Property Auction Tax Enact any other Tax
  16. If we're assuming the President's faction supports the measure he himself proposed, Missouri is ratified as a state with 26 in favor and 21 opposed @MrPotatoTed
  17. If the President authorizes, Jackson will deliver to Congress @themiddlepolitical. Jackson's ability meets the difficulty with no extra IP needed.
  18. @MrPotatoTed The President is providing 3 IP, Jackson delivers the vote to Congress to buy Flow-Rida territory from New España
  19. Whoops! Nevermind I missed that bit in the earlier thread. Thanks!
  20. Mr. President, I can get this to Congress with 3 IP provided. The Vice President is renowned for his abundant influence, perhaps delegating the issue to him would open the door for all 3 of our offices to win over the Congress and the people?
  21. My southern racist assholes thumb their noses at your southern racist assholes 🤪
  22. Also I believe William Henry Harrison's retirement netted +6 victory points on the board for @themiddlepolitical yielding a new total of 21.
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