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Everything posted by Timur

  1. Ralph Nader suspends his campaign and backs Kucinich.
  2. Romans 13:4 - For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhuang_Zhou https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shang_Yang https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_Fei https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Tzu
  4. Actually... "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man." - Genesis 9:6
  5. Possibilites: - Pope Gregory VII - Jacobus Arminius - Timurlane - Babur - Nero - Lao-Tze - Chang-Tze - Shang Yang - Han Fei Tzi - Shin-Tzu - John. D. Rockefeller - Friedrich Hegel - Theodr Herzl - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Denis Diderot - Bertrand Russell
  6. In a surprise move, Ted Cruz will suspend his campaign. He will instead endorse Lindsey Graham and Donald Trump. He urges voters to back Hilary if by any chance Jeb! or Ben Carson wins.
  7. 1.Ralph Nader will seek the endorsement of Bill Clinton, because why not? 2.Ralph Nader's campaign will talk about social injustice. They promise to give more positions to minorities and women. 3.Ralph Nader's campaign will talk about reforming the education system, making it more progressive, inclusive, professional, etc. The campaign promises more funding for education.
  8. The UK seems to have these sometimes...
  9. I chose Bush, but I don't think I would rate him as the best. I have problems with all of them.
  10. 1.Ted Cruz will campaign in Wisconsin. 2.Ted Cruz will campaign in Wyoming. 3.Ted Cruz will seek the endorsement of the National Review.
  11. 1.Nader's campaign will talk about Gun Control. They will release an ad showing Mike Gravel talking about his Alaska background, mentioning his shooting a moose injured by an Alaskan train. It will talk about the need to end the military culture in the US and put in common sense gun restrictions. 2.Nader's campaign will criticize the requirement to have 15% in the polls to enter the debate. 3.Nader's campaign will campaign against nuclear energy and talk about complete denuclearization. It will talk about the dangers of nuclear energy, emphasizing the Chernobiyl disaster.
  12. Will this apply to Nader who is running as a third party candidate?
  13. 1.Ted Cruz will campaign in Wisconsin. He will visit a cheese factory and try some cheese. 2.Ted Cruz will campaign in Wyoming. He will visit Buffalo ranches. 3.Ted Cruz will campaign in New York. He will seek the endorsement of the New York Conservative Party.
  14. 1.George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk (covering the Mexican War like Henry VI part 1 covered the Hundred Years War and Henry V covered the victory at Agincourt), Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover (Tragedy, perhaps?), FDR, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald Trump. I know his plays mainly spanned the Plantagenet era, so he might focus on certain Preidents from a particular period in US history? 2.Would William Howard Taft be a comic figure? Will Rogers? Huey Long and William Jennings Bryan would make interesting characters. 3.Off-topic, but Shakespeare is said to have had an hand in the play "Sir Thomas More," and since there were several of that genre, a few plays about prominent congressmen, governors, or mayors might exist.
  15. 1.I would have liked to see Pope Innocent III on the list, but I guess suggestions are for the end. 2.I considered Pyotr Tchaikovsky, but I don't think he'll rank in the top 100. 3.I feel Pope Francis is an important modern figure, but wouldn't be in the top 100 of historical figures, probably not even the top 1000. 4.I was originally not going to vote for John Paul II, but since he helped end Communism in Eastern Europe (and in hindisght, since his apologies for past misdeeds of the Roman Catholic Church and his meeting with the Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church is significant), I voted for him. 5.I'm surprised Ptolemy got only a few votes.
  16. Concerning question #8, in South Korea, they use a hybrid of both systems.
  17. Please add a vote for Omar Khayyim by me.
  18. Koreans too. Confucius, Mencius, Lao-tze, and Chang-tze had a great influence here.
  19. Wow, I didn't know Taft was better on the economy than Roosevelt.
  20. 1.Ted will visit Arizona and talk about border security, noting that he's from Texas and knows the border situation well. 2.Ted will visit Utah and try to solidify his lead, hoping to get a majority if possible. 3.Ted will seek the endorsement of Mike Lee.
  21. No wonder his campaign is crazy. Florida Man strikes again.
  22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Alaska's_at-large_congressional_district_special_election#Polling Judging by a poll here, Santa would have a better chance...
  23. How about Gregory VII or Nicholas I?
  24. Speaking of the Pope, some pope might fit in this list. They were very influential.
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