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Everything posted by DJBillyShakes

  1. Rousseau makes an appeal to integrity. No other actions. Pierpont sticks around.
  2. Rousseau wouldn't tale any other actions, so it's fine. I just wanted to flag that as a potential flaw in the CPU rules for conventions.
  3. It seems like the current rules effectively prevent rule changes from CPU factions. From what I see in the CPU rules (and I could certainly be missing something), only the CPUs leading or last in delegates have a chance of calling for rule changes. They'd suggest opposite goals, and the other CPU factions won't call for rule changes.
  4. Appeal to integrity. Force rule change to unanimous rule. (Explaining my logic to check my understanding: the two RedLib candidates combined have the fewest delegates among the factions, so the CPU rolled a 25% chance to increase the percentage needed to win. From what I saw, the rules don't specify which threshold the CPU chooses, so I selected randomly.) Stay for the next round.
  5. NY Stephen Van Rensselaer (2): Lower taxes. OH William Henry Harrison (3): Build Political Machine. IN Harrison Gray Otis (2): Gerrymander.
  6. General Lovell Rousseau will run as a major candidate. He will be nominated by Robert B Elliott. Gov Francis Harrison Pierpont, having improved the nation's economic situation through his tax policies, will run as a minor candidate.
  7. I think that Nelson and Van Rensselaer are the only eligible Red pols with 2 admin (since we're maxed out on Blue pols in the cabinet), so the last three only have 1 admin. @pman Jeremiah Nelson @DJBillyShakes Gov Stephen Van Rensselaer @matthewyoung123 Noah Webster @Arkansas Progressive Josiah Quincy III @10centjimmy Christopher Gore
  8. @jnewt @ebrk85 Sens. Killian Van Rensselaer and David Stone are prepared to announce an historic power-sharing agreement. Killian Van Rensselaer will be elected PPT. We will use @pman's committee appointments with the following modifications: Thomas Mann Randolph Jr will be chair of the Domestic committee. Richard Stockton will be on the Domestic committee, replacing PPT Van Rensselaer.
  9. Spain (3) - Increase relations Germany (2) - Increase relations Russia (2) - Provoke with retaliatory tariff/embargo China (2) - Extend credit Japan (2) - Increase relations Israel (2) - Extend credit
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