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Everything posted by Edouard

  1. The next german chancellor could be Green seriously But yes I know german members of the CDU who are AFD lean voters, they tell me that the current leader has been "imposed" by Merkel while they prefer their former boss
  2. Exactement ! Only friends made its road to us (and Desperate Housewives but is this comedy 😛)
  3. I watched none of these !
  4. I got heated debates with trumpists on it Nigel Farage has been a supporter of Trump but for a limited time, why? Because Farage is an isolationnist, and Trump as president has took an interventionnist action Yes he pulled troops out of Afghanistan, but he also increased the number of troops in Afghanistan prior to withdraw these, he mainly withdrew these for electoral purposes from the midterms up to the end of his presidency. A lot of people, essentially on the right-wing side but also some on the left believe that Trump was a peacefull president because he did not start any wars, that does not change that he supported bloody civil wars and quadrupled bombardments.
  5. The US should be out of Afghanistan since autumn 2014 It's crazy how the country has remained in for so long without particular reasons
  6. 1 Macron blames Jean Marie Bigard's withdrawal in Normandy There is now a clear danger ! Nationalists are uniting ! I call on you all real liberals to unite behind my candidacy against this threat. 2 Macron goes to Midi-Pirenne-Languedoc-Roussilon to recognize that "the catalan culture could be recognized and supported by the culture ministry for now as well as the langue d'Oc" 3 The Elysée rerolls the 2019 clip to clearly target Hungary and Poland aswell as Matteo Salvini and to amplify the message of Liberalism v Nationalism
  7. (The correct translation would be : FAIRE LA FRANCE GRANDE A NOUVEAU but it sounds weird in French, that's the story with languages and their formulas 😛 A much better reformulation would be : REFAIRELA GRANDEUR DE LA FRANCE - which gives in english MAKE AGAIN THE GREATNESS OF FRANCE For example YES WE CAN gives OUI ON PEUT in French and it has not the same sounding 😄)
  8. I don't like at all how the Supreme Court is made, but if parties begin to pack the Court, where is the end? In Poland also they are packing the Court but with another method, and the sole victim of it is liberal-democracy.
  9. Conseil des ministres -Minister's council Emmanuel Macron : S'ils pensent que nous allons nous laisser faire ils se trompent fort. / If they think we are going to let it go, they are very wrong. Nous allons poursuivre l'effort et la stratégie que nous employons, elle est la bonne, jamais trop à gauche, jamais trop à droite, pendant que certains donneront dans la surenchère à l'image de Bertrand et de son patriotisme se voulant à la fois libéral et nationaliste - foutaise ! / We are going to continue the effort and the strategy we are using, it is the right one, never too much to the left, never too much to the right, while some will give in the outbidding like Bertrand and his patriotism wanting to be both liberal and nationalist - hogwash! Bruno le Maire : Que penses-tu du plan sur Google Amazon et Facebook? Ce ne serait pas mal de repartir là dessus, non? / What do you think of the plan on Google Amazon and Facebook? Wouldn't it be bad to go over that again, wouldn't it? Emmanuel Macron : Deux coups à gauche, un coup à droite. / Two hits to the left, one hit to the right. 1st : Emmanuel Macron receives Al Gore in the Elysée Al Gore : President Macron announced he would pursue the job to implement the Paris' agreement. He would push for more sanctions in the EU against polluting industries from China. I am satisfied of the additional measures that Emmanuel Macron wants to introduce alongside the US to fight climate change. 2nd : Bruno le Maire (minister of finance) submits a bill in the national assembly about taxing GAFAs Bruno le Maire : IL FAUT TAXER LES GEANTS DE L'INTERNET MES CHERS AMIS ! / INTERNET' GIANTS MUST BE TAXED MY DEAR FRIENDS! NOUS GAGNERONS 3 MILLIARDS D'EUROS PAR AN, DES TAXES QUE CES GEANTS AMERICAINS DOIVENT PAYER ET QUE L'UNION EUROPEENNE DOIT ADOPTER ! / WE WILL EARN 3 BILLION EUROS PER YEAR, TAXES THAT THESE AMERICAN GIANTS MUST PAY AND THAT THE EUROPEAN UNION MUST ADOPT! 3rd Emmanuel Macron passes time in Grand-Est once again, meeting soldiers Emmanuel Macron confirms in the same visit that the defense budget will also be fully protected, no cut will be made into the next years into the military. The Elysée releases a plan to make France the leader of the European defense in the next ten years, a role that France has now to assume thanks to Brexit.
  10. @Fbarbarossa@Hestia I would like either to join soft labour (but not so interesting as future blairites are already took) or SNP or Liberal democrats, but in the third option I think it would be good that me and Hestia work together on both wings of the LibDems which are : -Social Democrats -Liberal Democrats (Liberal in british and european term means economic liberalism)
  11. What would interest me if I was playing this game would be to do like what I am trying to do in Roleplays, it's to make the democrats a competitive party in the south like in the north. Between the 90s and the 2000s democrats have lost the south (excepted Georgia who flipped in the other direction) but back in 2002 and untill 2006 democrats could still win in Arkansas, Louisiana, and be competitive in Tennessee All of that is gone and it would probably be my obsession to keep them 😛 I think that the war of independence is the most interesting start because it's the moment where the US have put the foundations of their coutry and their borders. Canada and Quebec have been close to be annexed in the US aswell.
  12. Event 1 : Macron organizes a meeting in Arras (Nord Pas de Calais Picardy) where he makes clear what is the situation after Le Pen's words Ms Le Pen maked clear that now the election is between two conceptions of the world. Liberalism versus Nationalism. Liberalism, which includes patriotism, and which defends an open conception of France and its civilization, and nationalism is the opposite of all of it. Nationalism is the hate toward others, nationalism is the idea that France is a loser of globalization, nationalism is going backward. There is no real alternative to this opposition, you can not be liberal and nationalist in the same time ! I want to be the protector of France in its essence, in opposition to nationalism, I proudly call myself to put forward liberalism, will everyone running and pretenting to share those views be that clear aswell? Event 2 : In the national assembly (Ile-de-France) Premier Jean Castex submits in the name of the french government the euthanasia bill that 96% of the french electorate supports The text mainly offers the same medical assisted death which exists in Switzerland for long suffering ilness with the same garantees of the will of the person who benefits from it. Event 3 : Macron went to a bainstorming accross Aquitaine, promising to do no cuts in the education budget after the presidential election, well aware that a new debt crisis will force the next french governmet to do cuts in some programs.
  13. Just general remark There will be a trend in future around some legislations Laws to support Research and Developpment will increase Old industries like coal will cease to exist as an industry by our lifetime Euthanasia (the right to die with medicine) will become a law in most or the 50 states Death penalty could be abolished in the 50 states Nuclear energy could be the only old energy to survive the ecological transition Those are the things I am pretty sure about
  14. 1st : Speech to the nation of Emmanuel Macron Françaises, Français Je le sais, ces derniers mois ont été difficiles. Pour nombre d'entre vous. Nous avons traversés une grave crise sanitaire, qui a laissé ses blessures et ôté la vie à cent milles d'entre nous. J'ai une pensée pour nos soignants, qui ont réalisé un travail spectaculaire, nous les avons aidés à cette fin. Pendant des mois notre pays a fait face à la pire crise sanitaire ayant frappé le monde depuis la grippe espagnole, mais nous avons surmonté cette étape. Ensemble, nous avons posé les bases d'un avenir meilleur. La croissance économique va de nouveau être d'actualité cette année, une croissance qui réduisait le chomage depuis mon entrée en fonction et ce jusqu'au moment où le coronavirus a frappé notre pays et le monde. Si je vous parle ce soir, mes chers compatriotes, c'est pour vous annoncer que je serai candidat à l'élection présidentielle. Je souhaite que nous reprenions ensemble le chemin de la prospérité économique, sans mettre de côté les besoins sanitaires et sociaux dont notre population a tant besoin. La crise des gilets jaunes, et la crise sanitaire nous ont rappelé que la reprise économique ne va pas sans la solidarité et la fraternité. Je suis impatient de vous retrouver demain sur les marchés, les gares et les places. Vive la République, et vive la France. TRANSLATION My fellow citizens I know these last few months have been difficult. For many of you. We went through a serious health crisis, which left wounds and claimed the lives of a hundred thousand of us. I have a thought for our caregivers, who have done a spectacular job, we have helped them to this end. For months our country faced the worst health crisis to hit the world since the Spanish flu, but we got over it. Together, we have laid the foundations for a better future. Economic growth will be on the agenda again this year, growth that reduced unemployment since I took office until the coronavirus hit our country and the world. If I am speaking to you this evening, my dear compatriots, it is to tell you that I will be a candidate for the presidential election. I want us to resume together the path of economic prosperity, without putting aside the health and social needs that our population so badly needs. The yellow vests crisis and the health crisis reminded us that economic recovery does not go without solidarity and fraternity. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow in the markets, stations and squares. Long live the Republic, and long live France. 2nd event : Macron goes to Grand-Est to do a meeting about the European Union the them is : You want protectionnism? Choose the EU The European Union equalizes in GDP both the US and China ! Together we can still prevail in a commercial war, alone we are submitted to the wills of new rising powers It's in the Union that we could remain a major economic and political force in the years to come ! So if you truly want protectionnism for our industry, for our workers, it is by the European union that we will be able to matter ! 3rd event : In order to take back electors from the Right-wing or to prevent others from rivalries, Macron assumes that he will commemorate the 200 years of the death of french Emperor Napoléon the 1st and comes back to Provences Alpes Cotes d'Azur to pay tribute to the town of Nice, 5 years after the terrorist attacks in which the military plays the Marengo march
  15. Old founder enough to please republican voters and much greater man than Trump, he at least helped the US to have a Constitution
  16. He had 3 chairs with the president of the Union (Tusk) and the president of the EU commission (Junker) in 2015
  17. There is only one news I have not included in the above message 😛 On June 13th and 21st 2021 there are regional elections in France (the last vote before the presidential election), In Real Life Xavier Bertrand ( @ConservativeElector2) told that he would put his legitimacy as presidential candidate in his re-election as president of his region (N-Pas de Calais-P), you are free to decide if you want to start before june 2021 and to play regional elections directly or to go after and act like if regional elections results were already decided ! Here are the last regional elections from 2015 Pink = Left-wing coalition Blue = Right-wing coalition Yellow = Nationalists-Autonomists of Corsica
  18. Two things led my vote 1st Is this president more progressive on civil liberties than the previous 2nd is this president a better person overall
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