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About Mothwoman

  • Birthday 02/18/1963

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  1. No, when you mix, it dilutes the blood. It like alcohol, you mix water with your vodka to make it last longe rebut it also makes it weaker. Much better to keep each bloodline pure so to speak.
  2. I have never used drugs in my entire life. Most normal people haven’t. But I suppose you wouldn’t know what that’s like since you have to take a cocktail of irreparably damaging body altering medication to make it through your daily life.
  3. Blacks are ON AVERAGE (emphasis because people always try to paint you as a racist when you point these things out) more athletic than other races, just like how Asians are ON AVERAGE more intelligent than other races. Race is real, that doesn’t mean Whites or Asians are better than Blacks and Arabs per se just that, you know, different people are going to be better at different things. It’s true on the micro it’s true in the macro. I’m sure plenty of Blacks are perfectly capable of becoming brain surgeons, just like plenty of Whites are capable of being Basketball stars, but when we think of a brain surgeon we think of a white guy, and when we think of a basketball star we think of a black guy, and there’s a reason for that. Again I am not saying Blacks are inferior to Whites or anything like that, but we can’t pretend that race doesn’t exist. Blacks and Whites are just different, and there is nothing immoral about stating that fact. Blacks are better at physical labor, while Whites are better at intellectual labor BOTH are necessary for a nation to function. As to your second point, slavery was already on the way out when we seceded. Plenty of Confederates were anti slavery, I’m sure abolition would come just as quickly and a lot more stably if it had been done by the south rather than by yankee interlopers.
  4. Black poverty is a direct result of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society forcing them to rely on the government. A truly southern government would never pass such socialistic tomfoolery. While being aware of the natural biological differences between the races, I’m sure that Blacks would do just fine for themselves if they were allowed to actually work, and compete with one another.
  5. TikTok is a Chinese spyware app designed to collect our data and brainwash our young people into being gender bending homosexual transvestites. Libs of TikTok is a great twitter account all about this fact, really one of the only reasons I use twitter. I wish Tucker Carlson weighs in on the issue soon, he’s really one of the best news anchors on tv these days. I absolutely support a ban on this cesspool of degeneracy.
  6. I remember that, and I remember how disheartened I was to see Paul working with a far-left Democrat. I voted for Paul all the way back in 1988 when he ran as the Libertarian nominee (It may surprise some users on here, but I didn’t vote for a Republican on the Presidential level until 2000) and supported him in 2008 (I was going to vote for Chuck Baldwin in the general until McCain selected Palin to be his running mate), and 2012 (Romney was too moderate for my tastes, also too Mormon, so I wrote in Randall Terry). I wish Rand was more like his father, but he’s always struck be as… uninspiring. I like Tulsi Gabbard. She’s probably the only Democrat I would’ve considered voting for in 2020.
  7. The name is vaguely familiar, was she involved in some sort of obscenity trial in… I think it was the 80s? Other than that, I don’t know who she is. Should I?
  8. Great video, and great channel! Thanks for turning me on to this guy!
  9. “Wage Slavery” You use the same terminology as the communist freaks everyone used to bully in high school. Comrade Lincoln would be proud of you.
  10. No one’s perfect. Trump is the best President of my lifetime, but he still signed that awful crime bill. The north was controlled by large industrialists, and financiers, while the south was an agrarian society made up of yeoman farmers, and a few large cash crop plantations.
  11. The civil war wasn’t about slavery. Lincoln did not support abolition until such a time came when it was politically opportune to do so. The south seceded in opposition to an economic system which vastly favored northern industrialists at the expense of southern farmers. Lincoln supported that economic system, and the south decided that they had had enough of being treated like second class citizens.
  12. Why? Both Johnson, and Lincoln did more to destroy traditional values, tear up the constitution, and expand the federal government than any other President. Johnson’s Great Society ruined the federal budget by giving billions of tax dollars to lazy bums, young bucks, and welfare queens. His civil rights program trampled both states rights, and the rights of private citizens. During his term the Warren court kicked their leftist judicial activism into high gear, though we can’t blame him entirely as many of the appoints were made by his predecessors, though he did appoint the grossly unqualified Thurgood Marshal to the bench, passing over many good candidates in the process (wonder why?). His signing of the 1965 naturalization act is why America is no longer recognizable in many parts of the country. His one saving grace was that he was his foreign policy which was fervently anti communist. Now let’s get to Lincoln, the man who did more to rip up the constitution, and divide the country than anyone. When the southern states decides that they did not wish to be ruled by a proto-socialist tyrant in waiting who opposed everything their culture cherished, he wasted no time in establishing himself as a tyrant. Lincoln used the military to harass, and shut up everyone who opposed him, suspended habeas corpus, confiscated private property, took the nation off the gold standard, and left the tenth amendment to die by passing bills, and amendments that allowed the federal government trample the rights of states. What was the benefit of all this warlord like control? Take a look at New York City, Chicago, and Detroit if you want an answer.
  13. The second question was tough, both were awful Presidents, but I voted Johnson because I support the Vietnam war in general, though a more aggressive President (like Barry Goldwater would have been) would have ended the war successfully before fifth columnist hippies were able to erode American willpower, and force us to leave South Vietnam to the communists.
  14. My father, while serving in the 30th Infantry Division in 1944 as part of the allied campaign to liberate France, was robbed of his legs by a Nazi artillery shell. To compare me to the scum who did that to him is insulting, and evil. Eat shit.
  15. Look it’s late, I don’t have time to read all of that. I’m willing to accept that lying to someone can make them feel better, I do it all the time for just such a reason, but that’s not a solid basis for a society. Men can’t become women, that’s a fact. We can lie to the transvestites and tell them they’re women to spare their feelings, or we can tell the truth. Actually… Goddam. Maybe you are a woman, I’ve never heard a man say something so… catty!
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