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Arkansas Progressive

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Arkansas Progressive last won the day on April 18

Arkansas Progressive had the most liked content!

About Arkansas Progressive

  • Birthday 10/03/1998

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  1. Waco: A Somali: A Cuba: B Religious Right: B Cambodia: A
  2. Horsey suggests: Set average tariff rate to 25% Frelinghuysen proposes: Set the Number of Supreme Court Justices to 5 Pope proposes: Ban Naturalization for Native Americans born outside the US Baylies proposes: Standardize Military Training Manuals
  3. Daniel Rodney (DE) - improve manufacturing Henry A S Dearborn (MA) - 1: improve maritime Milton Millhouse (MS) - 1: improve maritime James Ross (PA) - 1: Lower taxes Elijah R Potter (RI) - 1: improve maritime Henry Davis (SC) - 2: neglect plantation
  4. I'd be posting thing that happened, then link to the forum page (to drive trafic) and then I'd post a reply thread with relevant info
  5. I'm not calling it X, and you can't make me. Seriously though, I want to post AMPU related things to twitter, either from the official account (which I'll need credentials for) or I can make a playtest specific account to report on things going on in playtests (since Anthony hasn't done releases of the playtest events since last year). I want the community's opinions and consent (for those GMing, of course) @Ich_bin_Tyler @matthewyoung123 @ebrk85 @Bushwa777 (and anyone else)
  6. I have two public maps that have preferred state ideology (both + and -) least preferred ideology and most preferred ideology I think it's a holdover from when the limit was higher and was not changed when player limits got updated.
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