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Everything posted by Richard

  1. What was the vote count for CA?
  2. Build Military 2X: (too long to read version: appoint Farr to lead the committee to organize the new military. Require 10% of each planetary defense forces for the Republic’s armies and fleet. Purchase L8-L9 and SD-Hulk droids for the army. Naboo will serve as the bulk of the honorary First Army and First Fleet, for committing their entire planetary defense force. Look into cloned soldiers at Kamino, Khomm, Lur, Columus, and Arkania. Augment the Judicial Force and planetary defense forces fleets through a massive ship building and purchasing campaign. Train and stage on Vandor-3.) Valorum let out a sigh. For once, since the beginning of the Naboo incident, it was not a sigh of frustration but of relief. The Military Creation Act had passed, and by no small margin. His fleeting hope to work within the existing system had borne fruit. His ancestor’s mistake was finally put right. An added bonus was that Senator Farr had performed admirably. He would soon be ready to take the reins. Valorum even allowed himself a moment of personnel pleasure in how Farr had shut down the smug Garm Bel Iblis; a perpetual thorn in his side and the reformist movement. Valorum stoically acknowledged that the good must be balanced with some bad. It was a tragedy to see more systems desert the Republic. It would only make the separatists stronger. As would the Hutts likely alliance with the separatists given the execution of the Republic’s diplomats. That was brazen even by Hutt standards. It would require a counter measure in due time. His conversation with Master Windu about the return of the Sith had, though, caused his blood to run cold. Nearly a 1,000 years had passed since their defeat and they were somehow rearing their ugly head again. But Valorum had hope, Republican armies had defeated separatists and the Sith before. This time would be no different. He cut off his train of thought and turned to the Rodian seated across his desk from him. “Farr, good work on the Military Creation Act. Your speech may have saved the Republic. Now comes the difficult part of actually building a Republic wide military nearly from scratch. I am appointing you to head the executive committee that will stand up and organize new army and fleet. The rest of the members will be strong reformists and loyalists. Aside from preparing the Republic for war, your success here will set you up nicely for your run for Supreme Chancellor. My basic stratagem for the Republic’s new military is an ‘all of the above’ approach. We need to field a military as competent as possible, as large as possible, as quickly as possible. The bulk of experienced military forces lay in the planetary defense forces; although their competence varies widely by planet. The most expedient thing to do would be to nationalize every man and starship they have, however we would never survive the political backlash. We will start with them turning over 10% of their forces, and hope this coming war does not require any more. As both the Humans and Gungans of Naboo have pledged their entire force to the Republic’s defense, I want them honored as the base of the First Army and First Fleet of our new military. Next, we need to look at droid creation. Thanks to our efforts with the Colicoids the Republican Army will have a solid core of deadly Droideka. However, they cannot be produced in the quantities we need to augment our army, so contact TaggeCo and see if the L8-L9 model can do this for us. The SD-6 Hulk has always been reliable in the Republic’s Judicial Forces and would make an excellent mainstay for our new army. And they both far outperform the B1 battle droids used by the separatists. I have heard rumblings from Senators Palpatine’s office about clone soldiers. I know there are ethical considerations for clones, they would basically be slave soldiers and the Republic’s view on slavery is well known, but do look into this. I believe he is recommending Kamino soley, but look into Khomm, Lur, Columus, and Arkania as well. This may not be a viable option for the present as these clones could take years to grow, but if this is a long war we may need the additional manpower. We will have to build the fleet from near scratch. The Judicial Forces have their Consular-class cruiser fleet, however they pale in comparison with the Munificent-class ships. And most planets just did not maintain the kinds of ships we will need for our fleets. Though they can provide numerous fight and bomber squadrons. We need a vast production effort of every class of star ship, most especially the Acclimator class assault ship and the Venator class star destroyer. Farr, I do not have to tell you we are in a bind here. We cannot afford to turn away or look down on any species in the Republic’s hour of need. They will need training though. I recommend Vandor-3 as our training and staging planet. Closs by Coruscant, but not an ecumenopolis like Coruscant. This will be one of the greatest logistical undertakings in the last 1,000 years. Good luck. One last thing, leadership for this military. Though we have not always seen eye to eye, Wilhuff Tarkin is a must for Supreme Admiral of the Fleet. We do not have a more experienced or competent man. I have my agents working on who will take over all command of the army. I will update you once those plans are complete. But for other top leadership positions in the army the Jedi have always borne the burden of leading Republic forces…” Diplomacy: Valorum will send a diplomatic mission to the Bothans. While long time allies of the Republic, Valorum hopes to secure their active participation against the separatists should they attack. Their fleet, and more importantly their vast spy network could aid the Republic in a number of ways in the coming war. Candidate Announcement: Valorum glanced at Senator Farr, and gave him nod. This would hopefully be the start of Farr’s march to fill his position. Valorum had briefly toyed with the idea of suspending his term limit to deal with the crisis. But the man who restored the Republic’s military could not be seen as a dictator. In these troubled times the peaceful transfer of power was more important than his crusade. As his last year in office wound down, it was time to begin formally building support to elect Farr as chancellor. Farr would give a passionate speech before the Senate declaring his candidacy for the Supreme Chancellor position and how the Republic needs strong leadership to survive this crisis and root out corruption. Valorum will then give a speech fully endorsing him as the man who can continue the reforms. Diplomacy: Valorum now turned to the matter of a Supreme General for the Army. He had heard of the exploits of a particularly capable, if ruthless, military leader amongst the Kaleesh in Wild Space. The Republic was leaning towards siding with the Yam’rii in the Huk War; despite the Yam’rii’s slave raids that started the war. Now, however, almost all the pro-Yam’rii Senators (chief of them the trade federation) had abandoned the Republic. Valorum had an opportunity to side with the Kaleesh. He would send a delegation that offered the Kaleesh harsh sanctions on the Yam’rii as well as the aid of Republican Judicial Forces. He would also put an opportunity for the Kaleesh to join to the Republic on the table, if they so chose. While he would like the Kaleesh to commit their fleet to the Republics cause, what he really wanted was Qymaen jai Sheelal to lead the Republic’s Army in the coming struggle with the separatists.
  3. Proposal 2X: Valorum emerges from his private bacta tank. His aides leave him on his bed to rest. If was possible to hang one’s hand while laying on your back, he would be doing it. Valorum looked around at his magnificent office. Fit for any regal leader throughout history. It mocked him now, unable as he was to effect any true change in this dying Republic. He rubbed his shoulder, the wound still irritated him, but modern medicine was nearly miraculous. That, however, did not help him with his recent failure. He had gambled for the soul of the Republic and come up short. And because of that 1,000s of star system had left the Republic for the CIS. The stench of failure was palpable in the room. Yet good soldiers fight on despite setbacks. Saving Naboo gave him some solace, and better still his young protégée had survived a light saber wielding assassin. Perhaps even the failed assassinations could be turned to the Republic’s advantage. Maybe, just maybe, there was still some hope to work within the existing system to overcome this current crisis. Then he could pass the baton to someone else to carry the reforms forward. When he is able Valorum will appear before the Senate, to make an impassioned call for the passage of the Military Creation Act to defend the Republic. Queen Amadala (the face of the Naboo Crisis), Wilhuff Tarkin (the Judicial Force hero), Senator Farr, and if able those Senators targeted for assassination (Antilles and Palpatine [if willing]) will appear by Valrum’s side. His speech will cover the need for a military force to defend the Republic given secessionists, assassination attempts, and corporate intimidation; in addition to the constant pirate activity. [I’d like to use two rolls on this, if that is alright] Investigation: Valorum will marshal the conventional investigative resources of the Republic to find out who ordered this decapitation strike. He may be past his prime, but Valorum is no fool. The timing of the succession movement and this slew of assassination attempts line up too perfectly. He has a growing suspicion someone in the CIS ordered this. And if that is true, it is only a matter of time before CIS armies pour across the Republic’s frontiers. His suspicions make him more motivated to get the Military Act passed. At the same time Valorum will give the green light to a parallel Jedi investigation of the assassination events. He is particularly curious about this potential rogue Jedi that targeted Senator Farr. Diplomacy: With a potential invasion by separatists’ forces in the not-too-distant future, Valorum wants to secure the good graces, or at least the neutrality of Hutt Space during the conflict. He will send a diplomatic mission, headed by Senator Farr, to Nal Hutta to speak with the Grand Hutt Council with all the pomp and circumstance they are due. He will present gifts of fine hookah pipes and gourmet gorgs. Senator Farr will offer some advantageous trade concessions to win the Hutts over. Diplomacy: Valorum will also send a diplomatic mission to the Colicoids of Colla IV to set up a contract with the Colicoid Creation Nest company. The diplomats will present the carnivorous Colicoids with a gift of a cargo holds worth of exotic meats. The Republican diplomats hope to achieve an exclusive contract that will make them the sole purchaser of the droideka battle droids in the galaxy. In return the Republic will provide the Colicoids with their choice or exotic meats from across the galaxy, or Republican credits. If successful the Republic will immediately purchase a large quantity of droideka.
  4. Help Me @Sean F Kennedy. You’re My Only Hope. 😁
  5. Man two posts in and we already have the separatists crisis eight years early
  6. Alright I think I have done enough research to give a semi-intelligent series of events to kick this off. I recommend this youtube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD28qnSxLPY) if you, like me, are not super aware of the politics surrounding this portion of star wars lore. And this timeline from wookiepedia https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline_of_galactic_history#Fall_of_the_Republic_.2832.E2.80.9319_BBY.29. Also here is a map: https://i.stack.imgur.com/VpuT5.jpg. 1. Speech: Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum breathed out a silent sigh. This speech would make or break him, and the Republic. The Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo had crystalized so much for him. The rot, bureaucratic morass, and corruption are endemic. Mega-corporations are outright bullying the galaxy's government. Even worse some unknown force is tying to implicate him in a corruption scandal. It is all unacceptable and must end. However he is basically nothing more than a powerless figurehead. He can see clearly where the problems started; the Ruusan Reformation. The loss of the military and Chancellor power has proved too much as history winds on. It is not only fitting that it should be him that refutes his ancestor's work, but necessary. Anyone else would be called a warmonger, dictator or worse. But Valorum knows that mere repeal is not enough, more drastic actions are needed. He places his hands on the podium and the starts: "Fellow Senators, as we prepare for our Republics 'Millennial Celebration,' it is in crisis. I know that phrase may shock some of you. But look around, there is corruption every. We must commit ourselves to drastic reforms. A new constitution for the Republic!..." 2. Constitutional Convention: Valorum will use every scrap of power, calling in of favors, political capital, and downright pleading to get the Galactic Senate to vote in favor of a constitutional convention. [OOC: my intention is to use specific events next turn to layout specific areas of the constitution. If that doesn't work and it gets rolled into one turn my basic aim here is a federalized republic akin to the US, but with a unicameral legislature that elects the head of state/government that take powers away from the mega corps.] 3. Build Political Support: Valorum knows he is not getting any younger, and worse yet he is in the last year of his second and final allowed term. He recognizes he will need to pass the mantel of reformer to someone else. With some many problems his successor has to be just the right person. The current core vs mid/outer rim dynamic, necessitate the outer rim planets needing one of their own to rally around to invest themselves in the republic. While aliens are not unheard in the Supreme Chancellor position, humans have dominated. An alien would probably be helpful. Someone who would place the needs of the Republic ahead of their own. Above all this however the candidate has to be beyond reproach on the issue of corruption. One person came to mind: Senator Onaconda Farr. Valorum will meet with Farr, and then do everything within his power to build support for Farr to replace him as Supreme Chancellor. Valorum will place Farr on influential committees, help build his patronage system, and network him where possible. Farr will be the face of the reform movement, and hopefully shortly, its head. 4. Proposal: As the amended treaty with the trade federation does not allow the Jedi to interfere with trade negations without authorization of the Senate, Valorum formally asks the Senate to approve Jedi involvement in the Naboo blockade. If the vote succeeds Valorum asks the Jedi to send a sizable force of knights with the goal of getting the trade federation to back down. If the Senate does not approve of the proposal, Valorum secretly asks the Jedi to send a team to intervene. 5. Mobilization: Valorum will mobilize whatever forces he can in the into orbit around the planet Ryndellia (a planet close to Naboo). This will primarily be the Judicial Forces (including their fleet of Consular-class space cruisers), but he additionally calls upon the surrounding sectors to spare whatever portion of their planetary defense forces they can muster. He hopes this show of forces will force the trade federation to back down on Naboo. Judicial Force Governor Wilhuff Tarkin will command these forces. [OOC: so I'm not sure from my research the size of the judicial forces. I found that they have a fleet of those Consular class ships (https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Consular-class_space_cruiser), my intent here is to mobilize whatever forces the Republics can as a show of force]
  7. 1. What should be included in a Fascist USA scenario? -curfews -secret police -media (including internet) censorship -citizen barcoding/microchipping -extermination camps -banning women from the labor force -mandatory child requirement -banning unions -sterilization -ideological schools -ban private/home school education -torture -secret courts 2. What should be included in a Communist USA scenario? -Gulags/reeducation camps -curfews -secret police -media (including internet) censorship -citizen barcoding/microchipping -banning unions/consolidating them under the approved state union -ideological schools -ban private/home school education -torture -secret courts -one child policy/limited children 3. What should be included in a Theocracy USA scenario? -establish a state church (kind of implied) -mandatory church attendance -creationism and/or intelligent design in school -religious public school -mandatory public prayer -inquisition/secret police (everyone expects the Spanish inquisition-they gave at least a month notice) -established church -ban gays -ban divorce -ban birth control -Theo-democracy (non-autocratic/oligarchic system of theocracy- also would play with Mormon theocracy as it is one of their systems) 4. What sort of Economic events, proposals, actions, changes will occur between 2024-3000? This could include things such as bailouts, banking, business, labor, agricultural, credit/debt, currency, regulations, taxation, trade -massive backlash against humans beings basically being unemployable due to robots (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pq-S557XQU&t=65s) -fusion energy -lab grown meat -functional self-driving vehicles -moon colony -mars mission/colony -hyper drive -3D/4D printing 5. What sort of Judicial events, proposals, actions, changes will occur between 2024-3000? This could include Civil Rights, the Courts, Crimes & Punishments, drugs, election reform, guns, immigration, national security -android citizenship (constitution applies to sentient machines) -transhumism (in the sense of human "enhancement" not the confused gender kind) rights 6. What sort of other Domestic events, proposals, actions, changes will occur between 2024-3000? This could include Civil Service, education, environment, healthcare, infrastructure, welfare -android civil unrest/revolt/coup/civil war if they get too powerful and have no right -religious awakening (could be either new age or traditional; people tend to return to faith when the world goes crazy) -human cloning and moral backlash -direct democracy via whatever replaces the internet -neo-Luddites/embrace of religious movements like the Amish 7. Other non-science, non-tech, non-foreign policy, non-military thing that might happen in the the US in 2024-3000, such as a cultural movement, music, literature, fads, etc. flavor things. I'll add more if I can think of any
  8. I'm in. Have to do some research on pre-clone war politics in the stars galaxy before I get to events 🙂
  9. 1. Under his war powers Lincoln secretly forms The League of Union, a clandestine espionage organization, to support Unionist elements in the Confederacy. The organization is instructed to make contacts with pro-union counties, movements, and persons in the South. This will set the stage for supplying these entities with money and arms for partisan movements. The group will target areas that voted against secession (see map below). Agents will particularly target the Northern Alabama counties of Jackson and Dekalb, and the Free State of Winston (the counties of Winston, Cullman and Blount); Jones County (not yet the Free State of Jones), Mississippi; and the eastern counties of Tennessee, and the State of Scott (Scott county). 2. Lincoln calls for 65,000 more volunteers to serve the Union for a two-year term in order to match confederate conscription. Lincoln hopes to leverage two solid months of battlefield victories and the outpouring of patriotism of the war bond drive. He even distributes leaflets with the phrase “Join Up. Be the next to wing Jeff Davis,” along with an embarrassing caricature of Davis being wounded. However, he knows he is scrapping the bottom of the barrel of volunteers, as people wise to the grueling nature of this war; and that he will have to resort to other means to get mean in uniform in the future. Upon completion of muster and training 20,000 will be assigned to each of the Easter, Western Trans-Mississippi Theaters. The remaining 5,000 will serve as a garrison and emergency reserve force stationed in Washington DC. 3. Lincoln will conduct backroom meetings with Congressional leaders of the pro-war Democrats, Republicans, and Unionist party (Senate Majority Leader John Hale and Speaker Galusha Grow are a must). The focus of the meeting is to impress upon the men the need for greater manpower for the Union’s armies, and to win their support for future bounties (cash rewards), colored troops, and if needed conscription. Lincoln's goal is to pave the way for these bills when the need arises. 4. Lincoln will use his political capital to again push his naval expansion bill. He tries to impress upon Congress the need to dominate the sea to bring the rebellion to heal in as bloodless a way as possible. The bill provides for the retrofit and expansion of the United States Navy. 48 ships of the Unions 90 are currently unserviceable and will require retrofit. An additional 50 ships ocean going ships are requested.
  10. If you are still recruiting I'll do the Republic
  11. 1. Lincoln calls upon Congress to immediately pass a bill that will create a force of 30,000 Marines to aid the Anaconda Plan. This force will be trained to conduct amphibious raids, and seize forts and costal cities with the aim of securing strategic positions along the Southern coastline. 2. Lincoln call upon Congress and Secretary of Treasury Salmon Chase to approve and sell $500 million dollars worth of war bonds to support the war effort. In breaking with tradition these war bonds will not only be targeted at financial institutions but also the common man. They will be denominated as low as $25 dollars, and be advertised as a patriotic act to help preserve the Union. Lincoln hopes to leverage the good feelings from recent Union victories and wounding Davis into financial support for the Union cause. (Historically the Union issued about $350 million this early in the war, so this is within the realm of possible: https://www.essentialcivilwarcurriculum.com/financing-the-civil-war.html) 3. With some of the war bond funding (or a new bill if event 2 misfires), Lincoln instructs the Department of the Navy to construct a river fleet to dominate and help the Western Armies capture positions along the Mississippi River. The fleet will consist of 25 wooden and 15 ironclad river boats, and be constructed in Minnesota, Wisconsin Iowa and Illinois. Upon completion the fleet will be placed under the operation control of the Commander of the Trans-Mississippi theater. 4. Lincoln declares the Union will continue to respect the neutrality of the state of Kentucky. Although he again offers the intervention of the Union armies if state government consents. Furthermore, if the state government is willing, he offers to send Brigadier Ambrose Burnside (notable for the high fashion of his facial hair) to be a military attaché and liaison between KY and the Union. He also advises that one Union army will be close to Kentucky (though still outside the state), should Kentucky require assistance against the invading Sothern armies. OOC: This also has the added benefit of keeping the worst US general of the war out of a field command 😄
  12. @The Blood in order to keep the game moving can we implement a rule that if after a certain amount of time (say 48 hrs , 72 hrs, or however long) that would allow team members to post events for someone who cannot post for whatever reason?
  13. 1. Following the glorious strategic victory of the Battle of Winchester in defense of Virginian Unionist, Lincoln calls upon Congress to recognize the men of the Wheeling Conventions as the legitimate government of the Northwestern counties of Virginia. He urges Congress to approve the statehood of these Northwestern counites with their capital located in Charleston with all due haste. Once statehood is approved, Lincoln urges the new state government to immediately mobilize any men and material they are able to for the support of the Army of the Shenandoah. Lincoln sends his complements to General Rosecrans, but also urges him to clean up the drunkenness in his army. 2. Given Congress's reticence to approve funding for a Naval expansion, Lincoln calls upon Congress to authorize the issuing of letters of marquee to supplement the Union navy. Once approved Lincoln instructs the Department of the Navy to issue letters of marquee to any interested private sea captain that is considered loyal to the Union. The letter will authorize private ships to engage with and capture CSA flagged ships. The CSA flagged ship and any cargo contained within will be considered war prizes for the crew of the privateering ship. Additionally a bounty of $500 ($15,841.02 in 2022 dollars) for CSA merchant ships, and $1,000 ($31,682.05 in 2022 dollars) for CSA war ships will be awarded per capture or destruction. All privateering ships will be assigned a US naval officer to assist with training and combat operations, as well as general advisement, and to certify capture or destruction of CSA ships. (Source for inflation numbers: https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1861?amount=500 and https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1861?amount=1000) 3. Lincoln instructs Secretary of State William Seward to reach out to major European powers, most notably Great Britain (due to its military power and North American territories), France (due to its growing interests in Mexico), Russia (due to its North American territories), with the aim of dissuading intervention in the internal affairs of the United States. Diplomats should also announce the Union’s Anaconda Plan and the embargo of ports of rebelling states. The United States remains very much committed to trade with her fellow nations, and encourages trade to be redirected to loyal ports within the United States. The United States is willing to lower tariffs on major European powers whose trade will be affected by the embargo if they commit to non-intervention in the conflict. 4. Lincoln will conduct a trip to the Western Theater. His aims are two fold: 1. visit the Western theater's armies at Springfield and Indianapolis to help improve morale and recruiting, as well as confer with Generals Grant and Thomas. 2. Personally make the Union's case to Governor Magoffin and the Kentucky legislature. Lincoln will make the case for his birth state siding with the Union and mobilizing to aid the Western armies with men and materials. It is only a matter of time before rebel forces try to seize Kentucky, and working together with the Union's Western armies is the best course of action to prevent that.
  14. United States Events: Abraham Lincoln 1. Lincoln calls for 100,000 volunteers to serve the Union for a two year term in order to end the current rebellion. Upon completion of muster and training 25,000 will be assigned to each of the Western and Trans-Mississippi Theater. The remaining 50,000 will be assigned to the Eastern Theater. 2. Lincoln instructs Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles to implement the Anaconda Plan. Ports of any state currently in rebellion are to be blockaded from all trade, and every effort should be made to achieve control of the entirety of the Mississippi River. This is tasked as the Navy's top priority. 3. Lincoln calls upon Congress to immediately pass a bill to provide for the retrofit and expansion of the United States Navy. 48 ships of the Unions 90 are currently unserviceable and will require retrofit. An additional 50 ships are requested to be split between river vessel and ocean going vessels. (Here is where I got those specific numbers: https://www.britannica.com/event/American-Civil-War/The-naval-war). 4. Lincoln instructs Secretary of State William Seward to make overtures to the Indian Tribes to side with the Union in the war against the rebelling states. These efforts are directed at all recognized Indian Tribes, but especially the notably loyal Delaware tribe, the five civilized tribes, and the Comanche and Osage tribes. The United States offers the tribes the admission of the Indian Territory to the United States as a state, if the major tribes siding with the Union are amenable to that, with all benefits and representation that would entail. If the tribes are not acclimatable to statehood, the United States offers local autonomy to the tribes within their tribal lands, and a guarantee of territorial integrity for all loyal tribes. The United States further offers a reapportionment of tribal lands from the tribes that side with the rebelling states to loyal tribes based upon the number of men the loyal tribes provide. In return the United States requests the formation of an Indian Army, as large as possible, with American Indian NCOs, officers, and generals to be placed under the overall command of the Trans-Mississippi Theater commander. The United States will assist with equipping and funding the Army. (Historically the three Indian Home Guard regiments numbered between 5,500-6,000 men: https://www.okhistory.org/publications/enc/entry.php?entry=IN010. Given I am offering much higher incentives I am aiming towards the formation of a 15,000 to 20,000, or more if possible, strong man army. The regiment General Lyon called for, will be included in that number, but will operate as a stand alone force as he directs) Edit: swapped out one of my events
  15. Can I throw my hat in for honest Abe. I joined the forum from the more perfect union kick starter. But this looks pretty interesting as well.
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