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Everything posted by Willthescout7

  1. Question since I don't know the rules: why do you wait to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice until the Presidential Action phase and not nominate during the Random Deaths phase like you do with the cabinet, or during the Judicial phase of the game?
  2. The playtest write-up is complete up to this point. @MrPotatoTedAssociate Justice Nathaniel Niles died during the random deaths phase of this term, and nothing was ever done about it. Lee never made a replacement nomination. I figured it would be done during the Supreme Court phase, but it wasn't. Did we accidently skip this, or is it being reserved for the next cycle?
  3. I've gotten through the first Presidential election. Going to take a small break then resume with the Era of Federalism
  4. I'm up to 1787-1788 and writing about the Annapolis Convention. I'm trying to get to the first Presidential election today.
  5. Hello everyone, I've been massively excited since @themiddlepoliticalannounced this game in a shared discord. I read through the playtest to try to get a good idea of what the game will be like and grew impatient for the game haha. I noticed that people were having trouble following along or daunted by the fact that the playtest is 156 pages, so I decided to go in and turn it into a narrative for ease of access. The hope is that people can read it, realize the possibilities in the game, and pull the trigger on supporting it.
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