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Everything posted by Willthescout7

  1. I’m triggered cause Orange just doxxed me
  2. I’ll throw my name in the ring after work tonight
  3. …I worked so hard to get Beardsley there😭😭😭😭
  4. Yeah, Maine, Texas, and Vermont are definitely the most likely suspects
  5. This inspired me to go look up the ‘abolish the states’ law in legi props to see if that would be helpful, but all that does is lead to the President appointing Governors
  6. Bernhart will keep running for President until Matt kills him off My minor candidate will be Fmr President John C Breckenridge Nominating Speech: Robert Toombs will nominate Henn
  7. Whig Committee Chair: Senate Domestic: Harry A Richardson (DE, Wall Street Whig, 4 Legi) Senate Economic: William A Stone (PA, Wall Street Whig, 3 Legi) Senate Foreign: March H Dunnell (ME, Wall Street Whig, 2 Legi) Senate Judicial: Cyrus Sulloway (NH, Wall Street Whig, 3 Legi) House Domestic: Jacob H Gallinger (NH-1, Moderate Whigs, 5 Legi) House Economic: Adin Capron (RI-1, Progressive Whigs, 4 Legi) House Foreign: Decius Wade (OH-3, School Book Liberals, 2 Legi) House Judicial: Thomas W Ferry (MI-1, Moderate Whigs, 5 Legi)
  8. I appoint William Beardsley as faction leader Long may he reign
  9. I love that as McGovern descends into madness Cuomo is still pretending everything is normal.
  10. Completely missed Schurz switching parties. Massive betrayal of the former Party Leader
  11. Bigger risk of retirement as Majority leader, Yorty is useful until CA fully goes Dem
  12. I’m withdrawing Senator Sam Yorty from the Senate Majority Leader race and endorsing @pman Ted Stevens. Yorty will instead run to remain as Senate Majority Whip
  13. I’ll run Donald Riegle for House Majority Whip and Beardsley will remain as leader. in the Senate, I’ll run Sam Yorty for Majority Leader
  14. Dear Lord, this campaign is unhinged great references lol
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