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Everything posted by 10centjimmy

  1. I'll put forward Harrison Williams for House Minority Whip House Minority Leader - @jnewt Shirley Chisholm House Minority Whip - @10centjimmy Harrison Williams Senate Minority Leader - @DJBillyShakes Arnold Olsen Senate Minority Whip - @ShortKing Claiborne Pell
  2. No conversions Noam Chomsky takes on Mike Gravel as a Master Kingmaker pairing
  3. I decided to use up my good luck here instead of *ahem* elections
  4. Seems like a real gamey way for a human to get something through that otherwise wouldn't get through. I don't have a rule lawyer argument, beyond the fact that it's too easy to abuse. Honestly, I thought auto passed legis went directly to the full vote and just couldn't get packaged as a result.
  5. Pretty sure the chair legislation doesn't get packaged... didn't we have this conversation before?
  6. Relocations: Mike Gravel AK-> CA (Alt state) Cynthia Mckinney GA->PR overpop Al Green Tx->PR overpop Mark White TX->PR overpop No shifts
  7. It's probably fine at this point, there have been high profile people attempting runs who weren't necessarily officials. Maybe after some cpu runs we can see if there's an issue. Maybe down the road we give a point for having 2 office holders or someone on the ticket previously held office. Humans are much more likely to take advantage, and we probably don't want to take player agency out of the equation too much.
  8. Career Track: Private- Oprah Winfrey Mil - Joseph P Kennedy II (needs roll) Judicial - Erwin Chemerinsky Exec - Mark Roosevelt Legis - Cynthia Mckinney Admin - Marcia Fudge Backroom - Martha Coakley Removals: Carl Levin, 20 yr private Richard Lamm, 20 year Mil Jim Jeffords, 20 yr mil Ann Richards, 20 yr Exec Jim Oberstar, 20 yr Legis Yvonne Burke, 20. Yr Admin Ron Dellums, 20 yr Backroom
  9. Clay proposes Grant President Power to Call National Military Draft Washburn proposes Sell land in the West to the Highest Bidders Bright proposes MN Statehood
  10. Relocations: (all overpop to underpop) Christopher Gore MA->AL Asahel Stearns MA-> AL Isaac Bates MA->IL Jonathan Mason MA->IL Egbert Ten Eyck NY->IL Shift: Lebbeus Egerton cons->mod John Calhoon cons->mod Bertram Binghamton trad->cons
  11. Class 1: IA, IL, MA, OH, NC, NY, VT Class 2: CA, DE, LA, MO, MS, NH Class 3: FL, MD, MI, RI, SC, TX Class 4: CT, KY, ME, NJ, PA, WI Class 5: AL, AR, GA, IN, TN, VA
  12. GovActions BlueCons: Winston - AL - 1: build military academy Johnson - GA - 1: decrease state jobs Willard - IN - 1: increase agriculture industry McRae - MS - 1: increase plantation industry Allston - SC - 1: decrease state jobs Jimmy: Morrill - ME - 1: 4 year terms Newell - NJ - 2: increase maritime industry Pollock - PA - 1: build political machine
  13. Career Track: Private - Elisha D Cullen Mil- Charles Jackson (needs roll) Judicial - John Calhoon Exec - William Sprague III Legis - Thurlow Weed Admin - Joseph C Noyes (needs roll) Backroom - James T Morehead Removals: Jesse B Thomas, 20 years legis Isaac Bates, 20 year admin Nathan Appleton, 20 year Backroom Isaac Southard, 16 year admin Joseph R Underwood, 8 year Legis
  14. Adm Brown again joins Mr. Stephens on the trail: - gives speech in CA - Focuses on Midwest region - has Bumpers (vp candidate) focus on Upper South
  15. can you like, get these rolls under control lol
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