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Everything posted by Brunell

  1. Hint to people reading the warrant: if the feds cites those criminal laws BEFORE the warrant has been executed, they already have enough information to "get him" for it. Trump is a traitor.
  2. Number 6 killed me. Biden is terrible, incompetent, bumbling and embarrassing to the U.S. on the world stage, while Trump is all of that and a traitor to the constitution and the oath. I had to pick the former (Biden).
  3. Kasich as President is a million times million times better than Trump. 95% of the problem raised in DJT's term are obsolete is Kasich was POTUS.
  4. If any change happens, it's with Fung.
  5. Status quo. Luckily for the GOP Greitens is a criminal kook who shot himself in the foot with that macabre RINO hunting ad, or it could've been closer than it should've been in the general.
  6. Status quo. No changes. In '23, I am interested to see how the governor's races goes.
  7. Well, if it's not too late to take a stab, my predictions: DeSantis vs. Crist: DeSantis 53%, Crist 45% DeSantis vs. Fried: DeSantis 55%, Fried 42% Rubio v. Demings: Rubio 55%, Demings 41% I know, I know, double digit wins by both candidates in a state like Florida may seem eyebrow raising, but as someone who used to live there, and still monitors the political "going-ons", I truly predict 2022 will be the Chickens coming home to roost for the FLDEM party, where decades of terrible candidate vetting, nominating, neglecting swing voters north of Polk County and (only stopping in 2018), horrible fundraising and just above all else being a terribly run chapter will see disaster left and right. Rubio is a political force in the state I fully expect him to win St. Pete and Hillsborough, and probably M.D. very slimly. Demings is a good pol, and a good campaigner, but she's going to get out fundraised, out spent and is going to drown in a red year. The Governor's race is even worse. Crist, well-known state wide loser and flip-flopper, is polling "close" with R.D., but as someone who watched his 2014 campaign, a spectacular implosion when he should have beaten Scott, but of course choked, it is a routine with him. He polls well in the summer, wins undecideds for some time, then Florida voters remember Charlie Crist was a milquetoast Attorney General and a Governor who only looked for the next position. Crist will make it respectable, but this is a terrible environment for a mediocre candidate like him. Fried is even worse, nominating her would be a Democratic Party sanctioned train wreck. If I were DeSantis in such a case, I'd literally not campaign. Moderates do not like her, she is more worried about headlines (always has been) than focusing on a very large, very prominent FL agriculture industry (one that was ripe for political cultivation and possibly could have helped her upset DeSantis this year if she stopped intentionally stepping on their toes), or really just doing her job. DeSantis is going to beat her bad if she wis. B-A-D. The statewide level is really bad news for the Democrats, because there are a lotion close seats thatch a bloodbath will throw away. Lawson is fighting a critical race, as he's been redistricted. He'll surely lose to Dunn, and I'm leaning on Crist's seat going red; a lot less friendly to the Dems.
  8. Mainly the DeVos family, but that's why I said (yet). The madness of the disqualifications confused/tied up a lot of donors, so once she wins the primary I expect the Super PACs and the Donor base to get behind her. When Craig was in the race, the DeVos family and their coffers backed her and she probably would have wound up in 4th place or worse had the disqualified candidates stayed in.
  9. Wherever Muhammad was on the ballot, he got my vote. I'm not Muslim, but his impact on billions of lives via that religion is relatable to the "unstoppable force" meme. Lincoln beats FDR to me (there isn't a U.S. for FDR to modernize if Lincoln doesn't win the civil war), Isabella barely beats out Constantine due to th effect Spanish colonization had on the new world (probably a little bit biased as I'm an American, but without her financing Columbus exploration is set a long ways back)?
  10. I think Craig probably wins, if the national environment gets worse for the dems I could see the NRCC get money Kirstener's way (still, he doesn't seem to be the strongest candidate). Same for Walz; I usually ignore polling pre-Labor Day, but Jensen is keeping thing srahter close. Should the national environment get worse for the Democrats, I could see Minnesota being the 2014 Maryland/Hogan of the cycle, but that's unlikely (I think Nevada or NM are more likely to be the GOP upset of Democratic incumbents).
  11. @vcczar interesting premise, but I'd argue that your point system is nice, but rather flawed. Cheney at 19 is waaaaay too low; he's arguably top 3 or 5. I think the matter of whether he was elected/ascended to the presidency knocks him down a lot of notches since he obviously wasn't President. I think people forget that Cheney and his wing (Wolfowitz, Libby, Rummy) for lack of a better term controlled the FoPo of Bush Jr. at least in the first term, a Foreign Policy that largely has ramifications to this day and will continue to do so. Also, I think the pure fact that Cheney was allowed to shape large swaths of the federal bureaucracy with people in his ideological image, some of whom are still very crucial/relevant in decision making, is under-rated. I'd also argue that Bush at 16 is too low, and Fillmore in the top 10 is definitely way too high, but that's an argument for another day.
  12. Kasich, Rubio or Gilmore. Pataki would've been great too, especially for COVID, BLM, a lot of the culture war issues.
  13. I'd write in Romney or Paul Ryan. I'm not giving Biden a second term after so many disasters just in year one, and I'm not voting for Mussolini-lite. The libertarians would get my vote if they started being a serious political party again, and nominated someone like Amash or Hurd.
  14. Gretchen Whitmer is thanking her lucky stars Craig didn't get enough signatures; if he's the nominee, I think he beats her by 1. I think against Tudor, Whitmer wins 54%-42%, something along those lines. Dixon doesn't have the money (yet) or enough of a profile to make it competitive. The race will tighten like it always does after Labor Day, but unless catastrophe happens Whitmer will win slightly easily.
  15. And to add a short note onto your point Vols, Eisenhower won VA, TN, FL, TX, and LA IRL either in '52 or '56, and Nixon carried three of those. IRL Nixon only lost NC by 5, SC by 3, and AR by 7. The only southern state Bricker won in the 1960 playthrough that really might've been out of reach was GA. Other than that, two conservatives on the ticket taking a great deal of the Southern states below the Mason Dixon line is not far-fetched at all.
  16. As a Republican, for me personally, I'd approve of Joe Biden if he stepped down, or retired in 2024. But in all seriousness, I think the bridge has passed for him to seriously get above 50%. In this political climate of intense partisanship and toxicity, as long as he is at around 45% he is fine. He does this by stabilizing the economy, making sure middle America has a lot of quality of life issues as I like to call them (baby formula, supply chain issues, inflation, crime, etc.) gotten under better control. If that happens, I could see him getting back to 45, possibly 50%.
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