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Everything posted by mark2

  1. 1. Trump will call Pat Buchanan a "Hitler lover" at a rally in Texas, and continue to rant about the terrible people within the Republican party throughout the rest of the rally. 2. Trump will hold a town hall in New York City. 3. Trump will make a speech in Miami, where he calls Hillary Clinton a "dumb corrupt bitch" and says that the Democrats suck.
  2. I suppose the way I deviate from the typical Libertarian the most is that I am fairly pro-life, except for extreme circumstances such as one where the mother's life is at risk. The libertarian opinion I've seen much from more average, non-Republican libertarians post-Ron Paul is one of a pro-choice stance, especially considering Gary Johnson and Jo Jorgensen, both major Libertarian party figures, are pro choice.
  3. Trump will slap a woman dressed up as Hillary Clinton, saying that he will "slap a hoe" to put in his progressive policy. Trump will release an ad in Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, and the rest of the mid-west, depicting him dressed up in his usual suit and tie farming corn. The ad has no words, nor end screen, and is literally just him farming corn in a suit. Trump will hold a town hall in Los Angeles.
  4. 1. Fiorina will host a town hall in downtown Las Vegas. 2. Fiorina will visit the Strip as a publicity stunt, including a photo with the famous "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada" sign. 3. Fiorina will visit Los Angeles and talk about healthcare replacement options for Obamacare.
  5. 1. Donald John Trump announces he's running inside of a public event within Trump Tower. He will praise progressivism and socialist economics, detailing his plans to create universal healthcare in his presidency. 2. Donald Trump will request the endorsement of Bruce Willis. 3. Donald Trump will start touring the nation, starting off with his home city of New York City, where he will declare himself "the best" at exploiting tax loopholes, and claims he will end these loopholes and make the rich pay their fair share.
  6. these rule changes are fine, despite my inner response of wanting to make haha funny 1986 joke i'd like to note that my enjoyment of the song Mambo No. 5 is not an attempt to upset patine, and i'm not sure why he's personally offended by the song. but anyway. overall, good job Ted, Dobs, V and Dakota. I can't particularly say who did or didn't support these changes, so I'm not going to blindly guess who did/didn't and just say good job to everyone.
  7. depends on your current general situation, but USUALLY useless, at least in my experience
  8. Kansas and Alaska should be the first two. And the next two. And the two after that. And the two after that. In fact, make the entirety of the primaries centralized in Kansas and Alaska.
  9. Very, very relatable. I'm pretty sure the furthest I went into a city was getting one to around ~100k people.
  10. Very ironic, especially for the guy commenting on my post. But regardless, not sure how my responses to you can "disturb" you with your very lenient use of the block button. Not like I'm contacting other people to reply to my messages just for you to see them.
  11. I'm actually fairly certain the major I've played the least is Germany: always found it a bit tacky and boring to do the same playthrough a fifteenth time. Although my pro-sub bias probably has something to do with how many minors I play, since they don't have much naval production power to make anything else.
  12. I could say the exact same thing about your not-so-passively aggressive first response to me as well; this doesn't really make a lot of sense
  13. Gotta disagree there. Subs have carried my navy since release: easy to produce and can deal some damage if you use them right. Can't really defeat a Japanese doomstack with 5 subs, but they're so easy to make that you can have a navy with an absolute shitton of subs very quickly in the game.
  14. My main tip I could think of is to really not overthink things: don't place a billion divisions onto a single island, don't try to do an overcomplicated naval strategy, don't try to micromanage the entire eastern front while playing as Germany on your first playthrough (personal mistake, probably doesn't need to be mentioned here) Things are simpler than they seem. Naval isn't an insane challenge unless you make it one.
  15. difference is: when I address something, it's something that actually can be addressed and not a magical strawman to point to. a lot of stuff I post is meaningless and unnecessary, but it's also not directed at something
  16. I can assure you no one thought your dislike of Paradox Interactive and preference of the Civilization series and the Age of Empires series had nothing to do with us liking a certain type of videogame. Rest of your message has a great point, simply confused why you felt the need to include that.
  17. The RSA are definitely a confusing bunch, I originally heard about them because of the 2014 Euromaidan conflict. What confuses me, is that, sometimes Donetsk and Luhansk are listed as RSA occupied, so is the RSA pro-Russian? Very confusing.
  18. forgot to add an "other" option so just uh stick your other here
  19. Whatever you need to avoid improvement. I'm sorry for your loss.
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