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Everything posted by mark2

  1. Perhaps, now that you're rested, you can try making sense. You talk about a "self-righteous, hypocritical tirade of insults and lies" yet can't point out what's self righteous, what's hypocritical or what's a lie in any of my messages. Funny. It's not a position of "moral superiority" to call you a jackass, and the fact you think it is shows how arrogant and actually self-righteous you are. I'm not sure we've been watching the same FOX news, because simply pointing out your major flaws that you continue to deny is very different from character assassination, and is very different from the shit that is FOX news. For a man who talks about things being "productive" or "intelligent" you clearly don't seem willing to say anything productive, intelligent or insightful for that matter beyond a simple-minded rant that addresses NONE of the points made by whoever you're arguing with. I don't want this thread to clog up with your stupidity and lack of responses, so either get it together, address my points, and make some damn sense, or you can finish this off with a ridiculous ramble worthy of many confused emojis.
  2. My disagreements with you are irrelevant to the fact you are delusional. Or perhaps, willfully ignorant. Not my place to decide. Regardless, I'll give you another shot here to actually respond to the points I was making previous to this defensive rambling, or you can continue like this and make no progress. Up to you. Friendly reminder that I'm not forcing you to respond any time soon, if you need sleep to actually read points and then respond to them, you can go ahead and do that. In fact, I'll be heading to sleep myself. Cheers, and sweet dreams Patine.
  3. The irony of you claiming I didn't say anything productive, but engaged in self-indulgent rambling, is massive. I don't think I even need a response to this, as to whether or not you're genuinely this delusional or if this is your way of throwing in the towel and saying "Meh, don't feel like reading what you said, but I really have no argument so uh here's some gaslighting about what you're saying" only God can know.
  4. This is quite, quite funny. I'm somehow on a high horse for calling a jackass a jackass. I'm no man of perfection myself, but a spade remains a spade, regardless of what the heart is. I don't "quote" anything, because I did not make a single quote (except for one, which is a quote of yourself.) You continue to avoid improving yourself by remaining in denial and claiming this "i admitted to being part of the problem, this makes me being part of the problem ok!" type of victim mentality. But hey, it's a "tired old script" to call out your completely new points. It's a "tired old script" to make legitimate points about your hypocrisy just because you simply don't like the points. Maybe, just maybe now, if you actually gave a shit about improvement rather than claimed victimhood there wouldn't be such claimed "tired old scripts" used against you. If I need to use a "tired old script" while speaking completely off the top at fucking midnight, I'd say that speaks more to your lack of improvement rather than your gloriousness. Take a break, get off the forums for a while, and truly improve. I'm sure you're a nice guy personally, when not speaking about such things as politics and this forum, but you're being an actual jackass and I'm fairly certain no one appreciates it.
  5. You act like this is a major defense of western media to say that it's not as bad as media owned by a monarchial oil family; it's not. You act like Al Jazeera has been credible whatsoever and hasn't done everything to protect their interests, including serving more "moderate" (yet still outlandish) content to their English subscribers while being radical, Islamist, and heavily in favor of Qatari interests within the Middle East and the general East; which would be wrong. This isn't a defense of Western media: it's an attack on a Qatari state media. The rest of this response, however tedious to read, does not address anything beyond continual misunderstanding of everyone's position (which, in fairness, is not something unique to you, although you seem to have this problem most often.) Address the actual point in your future ramble that I will have the pleasure (or lack thereof) of reading. At least defeat is accepted on this one. Let's move on. Let's take a very short, surface level count of the others here who have taken criticism of their character, shall we? - Beetlejuice - Mishfox (back when they were alive) - CE2 (although lightly) - Jvikings This is not only a list off the top of my head, but also one not even counting those who you yourself attacked on the basis of character. Let's continue. Typically, people who agree with each other, band together and defend their beliefs. For someone who talks about politics online I'd figure this is basic knowledge, your complaint about dogpiling is meaningless and childhood playground level. You wouldn't be "the dissenter" if it wasn't for the fact that you not only repeatedly spew your garbage, but you post CONSTANTLY. Such as, I don't know, 261 POSTS on this very topic, only topped by Hestia's news posting. If this wasn't the case, and people who are admittedly worse than you were constantly posting and spewing bullshit, such as the worst offender Beetlejuice defending people such as associates of Epstein, you WOULDN'T be a target. But when you, and your ridiculous, ignorant, arrogant and borderline insane takes are everywhere, across every corner of the forum (aside from the games where you rarely interact, leads into you not being a very fun person but fun isn't mandated) you will be attacked for said takes. And then, to cap it off, you somehow, someway, act as if you simply admitting that you've been a bit of a dickhead sometimes is a Violeta Chamorro style conciliatory measure. That is, arguably, the funniest shit on this forum since the new year. I can intentionally trip a guy on a sidewalk, admit to doing it, apologize, and then trip another guy intentionally. Will I be forgiven if I repeatedly continue doing the thing I am admitting to doing? No, no I won't. Even if your delusion of politicslounge.com grandeur was correct, you would remain in the wrong. Get a grip.
  6. Remaining in denial, I see. Let's take this down another direction: 1. the Al Qaeda thing is also not the point: you meant Al Jazeera, which is Qatari state owned media. I'm not sure how far in your own ass you have to be to believe dismissing this as a point about the typo when you claim the position of Qatari state owned media > Western media is not your position. Please, get a grip. 2. You're right, you're also not obliged to be funny nor find other people's humor funny. But, if I spent an entire hour of my life ranting about how "these young people these days! they're so childish! i don't find them funny and this is a world-ending issue! i, personally, need to find them funny or else they're dumb! they're ignorant! the age of stupidity!!!!!!!" I'd be a bit silly, don't ya think? 3. Do you not see the irony of YOU, Patine, telling me to get a grip? Let's put it this way: You've made four (maybe five, I don't feel like counting them at 12:58 AM) posts detailing something about one of the two following options: A. you're taking the "high road" and not responding to the often justified criticisms of you and your very soft character, just to immediately after return to your good old self resorting to a CONSTANT barrage of personal attacks, only to respond with complaints about personal attacks directed at you B. you're taking a hiatus to collect yourself, and then cut said hiatus short and continue your previous ways and I need to get a grip? Feel the touch of a woman. Feel nice, fresh air hitting your face. Take a break.
  7. but I must oh so dearly must apologize, for misrepresenting your old man coping of not understanding modern humor. here, let me fix it up for you "waaaaaaaah i don't get the jokeeeeee you're all so stupid, using HUMOR? a shame. humor is for dotards. and idiots. and people i dont like. and people i do like. everyone's so stupid, with this "humor" thing. i hate you waaaaah"
  8. so which of the following is it: denial as a coping mechanism or you're simply the troll you accuse others of being
  9. i'll start taking bets now before Patine rushes to his computer to mindlessly spew the first mind-numbingly ignorant thoughts that come to his head, will he A: make another copy-pasta worthy post of idiocy, which is so common from him that it's actually more normal than him making a normal, coherent, and brief comment on something. B: completely disregard this with a simple comment of him re-re-re-re-reblocking me C. an actually brief, yet still mind-numbingly ignorant, arrogant, or all of the above, comment in response D. other
  10. its crazy how when you have thoughts such as "waaah these people have fun and I don't get it because I literally have not felt human touch in 17 years" and share those thoughts, you think of that as productive and/or intelligent. but hey, what do i know, i'm not the gigagenius here, so you can continue being very productive AND intelligent, in all of your wise takes such as "well, ackthually, Qatari state media good because uh westernism bad"
  11. sorry, my mistake: your aunt's lawn.
  12. patine is entering his "get off my lawn" phase
  13. its funny how no one can like a song anymore because somehow someway patine will find a way to make it a personal attack on him and his character this feels like he's trying to recreate 270soft forum part 2 electric butthole glue but what do i know im not a rocket doctor
  14. honestly, I do love "Al Jazeera Mubasher" but "Sitemap" is very close behind
  15. Fiorina will tour around South Carolina with town halls, including one set up on top of the home of a forum user named "Pringles" Fiorina will make a speech in Paradise, Nevada about taxation and economics. Fiorina will continue to challenge Trump to her requested fencing duel, this time requesting it to be hosted inside of TD Arena in Charleston, SC.
  16. Dobs' thoughts on the situation:
  17. - have a sleep schedule of over 3 hours per night - continue working out - earn more MONEY - do a bit of trolling - do a lot more trolling - never shop at Starbucks because I don't like overpriced caffeine milk sure, im a bit slow, but make your resolutions on new years if you want to fail
  18. the amount of war this forum would come down to if you actually meant Al Qaeda would be something else
  19. al qaeda and al jazeera media owned by the state of Qatar are two very, very different things and I have no idea why you decided to take this opportunity to praise terrorists. i hate US media as much as the next guy but praising terrorists is a bit far, so I'm hoping you just got the two confused
  20. bold to say I'm claiming there's an obsession going on here; weird to bring it up an "obsession" out of thin air if it's not the case
  21. clearly think of them enough to remember them in april of 2022, long after the 270 migration
  22. if you voluntarily decide "yknow what, i wanna beta test this game" despite it clearly not delivering payment, there's really no requirement for them to be paid. wanna get paid? don't test and demand payment. of course, if you're an actual employee, then it's a completely different discussion, but from what I understood this poll is about free beta testers within the public.
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