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How Democrats Can Turn It Around


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Just some quick thoughts that I had on how Democrats can turn it around:

1. Biden and Democrats need to keep positive and calm over COVID policy and economic reports. Things like, "We got this" and "Everything is going according to plan," and "You'll see improvement before midterms. Just you see." Things like that will at least give the allusion that they got this under control. COVID is the key thing keeping Biden's approval low now that Afghanistan has kind of faded off. 

2. Biden needs to score a blunder-free foreign policy success before early voting Midterms. China is the big newsmaker. Score some sort of major deal with them. Biden needs to have this in the works yesterday and I hope he does. 

3. Biden and the Democratic-controlled Congress must pass their agenda before Midterms. Infrastructure must pass. Financial assistance for the pandemic must pass. Both are popular. Make it known that Trump would not prioritize these. 

4. Democrats must win the VA Gov election to stifle any momentum for Republicans. Send all the superstars to VA, especially the VA Beach area which is independent heavy. 

5. Consistently make it about Trump. Consistently bring up the Jan 6th Insurrection. 

6. Provoke Trump into announcing a run for the presidency before midterms so as to make the midterms about Trump and not Biden's approval. A good way to provoke Trump is to consistently call him a coward or a waffler because he hasn't announced yet. Antagonize the hell out of him. Compare him to a teenage girl. "You know, Donald? The fat one-term president that tried to launch a coup? Yeah, him. He's all girl." Provoking Trump will also likely mean DeSantis and others won't run. We then know who Biden will face and it will be someone with more baggage than Biden. 

7. Biden needs to announce an exciting post-midterm agenda. Things that matter to his base, to Progressives, and to independents. Don't worry about satisfying people that are going to vote Trump regardless. 

8. Democrats should also focus on flooding Florida with Democratic star power. If DeSantis loses in Florida (will be tough to beat him), then he likely won't run for president, regardless if Trump runs or not. Focus #2 should be Texas. Abbott is more unpopular than Trump or Biden. 

9. Biden needs more of a social media presence. Perhaps three FaceTime videos (or something like that) a week. In these, he should seem confident, empathetic, hopeful, nice, and in charge. 

10. Pro-Biden or Anti-Trump political opinion writers need to flood the news sources with articles and headlines that show where and how things are improving under Biden. Let the candidates point blame at Republicans. Let the news show that Biden's administration is doing its job. 

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1 minute ago, Patine said:

Well, perhaps. But being Pro-Biden isn't something that comes easily to me, or leads to enthusiastic rallying. The man has almost half-a-century of repugnant policies on his record, with the Camp David Accord and the dropping of the defense of DOMA being two rare admirable highlights. It's hard just to forget all of that and treat him like a champion of socio-political movements he certainly never has been before. I'm sorry.

I'm not even Pro-Biden. I'm just anti-Trump. I'm not anti-Biden. I guess the analogy is this:

- Trump and the GOP establishment are a terrible storm---hail, rain, lightning, high winds, etc-- one which is expected to last for weeks

- Biden and establishment Dems are a shoddy house with holes, no door, broken windows, but it is on high ground. 

- Bernie Sanders is a much sounder house, almost perfect, but the house isn't in the area and we can't get to it in time. 

- The Green Party is a perfect house, but it is built it is built on a flood zone (the latter symbolizing the party's inability to win a general election). 

I am left with the decision of accepting the GOP storm and deal with the outside, possibly resulting in death, or I take cover in the shoddy house, which will at least keep me more dry, more warm, and more safe, even if it has some chance of collapsing. 

As a progressive American that understands the laws of probability, the 2022 midterms are likely to be between Democrats and Republicans. The 2024 election is seeming like it will be between Biden and Trump. 3rd Parties have no shot at getting even 1 electoral vote anytime soon. Even Perot couldn't do that. As that is the case, I'm left with two choices. Evidence, fact, and all human decency proves that one party is inherently more preferable for a progressive than the other. Where Biden is objectionable, the GOP party has generally been worse--more repugnant, more militant, more flaws regarding Justice, etc. It isn't even close. One doesn't even need a microscope to see the obvious differences between the two major parties and between Biden and Trump. 

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A few thoughts on your points:

17 hours ago, vcczar said:

Just some quick thoughts that I had on how Democrats can turn it around:

1. Biden and Democrats need to keep positive and calm over COVID policy and economic reports. Things like, "We got this" and "Everything is going according to plan," and "You'll see improvement before midterms. Just you see." Things like that will at least give the allusion that they got this under control. COVID is the key thing keeping Biden's approval low now that Afghanistan has kind of faded off. 

The problem here is Biden hasn't got COVID under control. I also believe he won't, but I wouldn't write it off. Nothing's sure I guess. However, I am still surprised how bad the situation maintained under Biden. I remember him posing to have a better plan than Trump who was eight months into this pandemic by then. It's nearly ten months now for Biden and nothing has gotten better as it seems. Even I expected better.


2. Biden needs to score a blunder-free foreign policy success before early voting Midterms. China is the big newsmaker. Score some sort of major deal with them. Biden needs to have this in the works yesterday and I hope he does.

Can Biden make a deal with China, which is a success for America? I don't believe so. You can't deal with China friendly. China will always put their country first and betray you. If it's a neither fish nor fowl deal it looks even worse than having no deal at all.


4. Democrats must win the VA Gov election to stifle any momentum for Republicans. Send all the superstars to VA, especially the VA Beach area which is independent heavy. 

5. Consistently make it about Trump. Consistently bring up the Jan 6th Insurrection.  

Here I have to refer to the VA race both times. (4) Depends on who the superstars are supposed to be. Hillary Clinton might hurt more than not.

(5) I think that's part of the problem. McAuliffe is embarrassing himself by constantly bringing up Trump. His opponent is Youngkin, who himself was reluctantly endorsed by Trump and criticized for not praising the Trump agenda enough.


6. Provoke Trump into announcing a run for the presidency before midterms so as to make the midterms about Trump and not Biden's approval. A good way to provoke Trump is to consistently call him a coward or a waffler because he hasn't announced yet. Antagonize the hell out of him. Compare him to a teenage girl. "You know, Donald? The fat one-term president that tried to launch a coup? Yeah, him. He's all girl." Provoking Trump will also likely mean DeSantis and others won't run. We then know who Biden will face and it will be someone with more baggage than Biden.

Making girl jokes might not resonate well with female or social liberal voters.


7. [...] Things that matter to his base, to Progressives, and to independents. Don't worry about satisfying people that are going to vote Trump regardless. 

I think that underlines courting solely his voters instead of being a President for all. He already announced the later, while doing the first. Not sure if that helps for re-election if it's done after the mid-terms.


9. Biden needs more of a social media presence. Perhaps three FaceTime videos (or something like that) a week. In these, he should seem confident, empathetic, hopeful, nice, and in charge. 

If it's done well great, but if these videos show Biden's weaknesses or seem heavily scripted it's better not to do them.

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3 hours ago, ConservativeElector2 said:

The problem here is Biden hasn't got COVID under control. I also believe he won't, but I wouldn't write it off. Nothing's sure I guess. However, I am still surprised how bad the situation maintained under Biden. I remember him posing to have a better plan than Trump who was eight months into this pandemic by then. It's nearly ten months now for Biden and nothing has gotten better as it seems. Even I expected better.


You're surprised? A new variant completely changed the game here, it's not like we're facing the same thing. It's not his fault people aren't getting vaccinated either. Even with Trump, I can blame him for not encouraging masking, not listening to his medical advice from advisors, but I can't really blame him for some of the spikes, because it's everyone's responsibility to protect each other. He definitely could've helped encourage people to stay indoors and all that, but I don't know if some of them would have listened. And now, especially, there's really not much Biden can do besides what he's already trying. 

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