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Everything posted by pman

  1. Mine are up (everyone has the qualifications). You can remove everyone I have at 20 years :Herman Knickerbocker, Peter Augustus Jay, Joseph Kent, Thomas Clayton, William Gaston , Silas Condit and you can remove Washington Irving (16 years)
  2. For those wondering who is Stan Stephens. In reality he was Governor of Montana but in this play test, he's done nothing before becoming President (I am great at turning those people into Presidents, see Silas Wood in 1800). In this playtest Stan Stephens was the charming, young Mayor of Billings Montana. Master Kingmaker Lauch Faircloth saw potential in the young Mayor, introduced him to a bunch of people, got him well funded and got him in the race for President. Originally it was just a chance to boost his profile but in a sparse field with a weak front-runner, Stephens was able to overcome early troubles and won the nomination. So from Mayor of a Montana city to President. I can't think of a more perfect President of this wild, wacky and very counter-factual playtest.
  3. The 1948 Playtest has seen the USA turn itself into a liberal utopia (I guess the Baby Boom actually made the United States liberal in this version of reality). A while back in the playtest, in large part in a desire to accommodate some high profile foreign-born pols like Arnold members of both parties passed the Foreign Born Presidents Amendment making it legal for people born outside the USA to become President. Well, we just elected our first foreign born President and it wasn't anyone terribly high profile. Conservative, Canadian-born Stan Stephens and his running mate John Connally from Texas have just been elected President and Vice President in 1980. We'll see what impact these conservative Republicans have on the liberal America of this play test.
  4. Thanks Eric- I know these modern elections must be a ton of work. Congratulations to Will for turning a minor candidate into a major candidate that basically won the nomination. I don't fully understand the margin. I thought it would be closer. I actually thought we were going to lose until the general election and even after that I thought it we would win but it'd be close and could lose. Not sure how got so out of hand. I appreciate Rezi for the platform and DKH for being a good teammate. Let's try to govern.
  5. Maybe they can become friends after this is over- lol.
  6. The great Canadian-American Stephens gives a speech once more in California, he'll once again campaign in the Midwest and Running Mate Connelly will once again campaign in the Southwest
  7. Shocking. I really thought he'd pick up a major scandal. But on the flip side of it- Brown still gets +1 for running with integrity against a controversial nominee so that helps him there at least.
  8. And yeah, Connolly is the VP nominee. It's ok, I forget who my nominee is half the time.
  9. You mean +1 in the Midwest or Upper South?
  10. Stephens gives a speech in British Columbia, I mean he speaks in California, campaigns in the Midwest, Running mate campaigns in the Southwest
  11. lol I remember when my goal was to tank, so much for that.
  12. We can't get a break this election- lol that's ok, we have the Congress
  13. lol Jnewt, you really make playtests fun. One of these days I'd like to be on the same side as you in one of these
  14. The Sunbelt is really an easy strategy for Red to implement. I was shocked at how poorly Shirley did in the South last election (not having big ag and Johnson being from the SW/ having bonuses ruined the plan). It was actually the Midwest that kept it close last time. Brown is smart because he gets a bonus in places like Georgia. With that said, I still think we might sweep the Sunbelt (at least I hope we do). lol.
  15. Totally- Turner was their strongest candidate but Jimmy deserved the nomination after turning a minor into a major. Wes Brown is super strong especially against our controversial Canadian.
  16. I get the logic with RFK(it’s what I would do) but you could argue the Will’s guy is better because with our big ag card, the South is in play. If we win the Sunbelt, we win. But really, you can't go wrong with Bumpers or RFk. Or half a dozen of your other pols. You guys have an embarrassment of riches.
  17. It was them getting their dream candidate, because of Jnewt (or whomever thought it up) figuring out that if you just get it to the Convention, it's easy to tie it up. It's something I've done in the past too in a different play test.
  18. Who would you have picked Jnewt? I’ll guess we’ll find out shortly!
  19. This election- like the last one in this play test is going to come down to scandal rolls. In the last one controversial LBJ avoided scandals and won , we will see what happens to controversial Canadian Stephens. Really, LBJ got every possible break in the last election. If only I saved Shirley! But I am not complaining, I just won an election in 1800 that I should have lost!
  20. Congratulations to @10centjimmy he deserves the nomination after turning a minor candidate in a major (and for just being a smart play tester whose a great teammate).
  21. I’ve thought Wes Brown had potential in a different playtest when he was in my faction. Smart pick- he’ll be the clear favorite to win yet another Blue election. I like the pick but if Stevens is still the Majority Leader and you guys win, watch out because I should have been way tougher on LBJ.
  22. Super unlike real life- but hey it’s still not nearly as odd as how your other play test is going, I think someone said somewhere else that the Federalists never got a single Gov elected in South Carolina- here we’ve got a two term one!
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