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  1. literally the most based response
  2. before would get 4-5 hours of sleep, tried to get 8-9 hours of sleep but i just cant fall asleep, 6-7 hours seems to be the usual for me now though
  3. i like the aspect of it, its really fun theres even a mobile game i would play from time to time lol
  4. For me not much, money would do but maybe some DLC's on steam or a VR headset would be nice
  5. Star Wars Battlefront 3 would've been cool if EA was an actual good company
  6. my first playthrough might be qing dynasty to try to prevent the fall of the dynasty, no ideas for mods yet but the base vanilla game brings a lot of solid stuff
  7. He deserved better, respect for him trying to change Russia
  8. Bro is enduring online attacks you're like 40 man focus on retirement 💀
  9. @Cenzonico you are my good friend and we are both high school chads (also i am technically the youngest person on the forum, cenz is 2 months older) @Pringles you are a based chad @DakotaHale you are also very based @DobsBASED APUSH teacher idk who else to include but this community as a whole is pretty neat
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