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Arkansas Progressive

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Everything posted by Arkansas Progressive

  1. Oop that part of shenanigans I probably fugot about. Both flip
  2. I laughed bc we both said the same thing at near the same time.
  3. pretty sure he declined bc he served as sec of state and wont accept a job that's lower than sec of state
  4. Rolls 3 Rolls 6, Jacob Wortendyke (3) flips Nay Roll 1, fails
  5. James M Mason Rolls 1, fails Clement Claibourn Clay Rolls 4, fails Robert M T Hunter Rolls 4 fails Rolls 3 fails Horace F Clark, rolls 1 Martin W Bates rolls 2 Conversion of BlueLib against Quitman-Davis, rolls 4 Conversion of Moderate Reds against Quitman-Davis, Rolls 3, 1, 2, 2
  6. Jimmy John J Crittenden rolls 5, success. Sways Robert M T Hunter for Quitman-Davis Jimmy Israel Washburn Jr rolls 4, fails. Jimmy James A Bayard Jr rolls 5, success. Sways BlueLib David Broderick, Martin W Bates, and William Wright for Quitman-Davis
  7. Rolls 5, 4, 6, 6 so flips 3 allied House (Stephens, Fenton, and Washburn Jr) ( and Senate (Collamer, Bell, and Kennedy) votes for Quitman Act
  8. targets Jimmy Rep. Masson W Tappan (locked with 3 votes) for the Quitman Act Fails targets BlueRW Sen David Levi Yulee on the Black Act Fails targets Euri Clement Claiborne Clay on the Quitman Act Succeeds 5. Rolls 1 and 2 Fail
  9. @Euri Party Leader Buchanan and @Blockmon Party Leader Seward can sway one allied focus rep and senator to their position on a bill (CPU does this) Senators with puritan are not swayed Buchanan and Seward are also manipulative, so they can flip four more votes on bills/packages
  10. BlueLib John Hickman will attempt to sway Jimmy in favor of the Quitman Act. Rolls 6, flips @10centjimmy Lews D Cambell
  11. despite being conservative, his support on the EOA has me positively favorable
  12. Banks uses orator: Rolls 6 converts two noes (Amos Granger, 5 votes) locked in, (Galusha Grow, 5 votes) has pliable and can be flipped again and rolls 3 no flips. Howard: Rolls 3, 3, 4 no flips. Trumbull: Rolls 4, 4, 3 Wade: Rolls 3, 3, 2 no flips Rolls 3 no flips
  13. When targeting focus reps to flip using speech and debate (during shenanigans), the CPU should prioritize focus reps with the largest number of votes to flip rather than just randomly choosing a focus rep to flip.
  14. Also before this - any Senator with Puritan may filibuster a bill for a half term. Slidell, Polk, Hale, and Wade
  15. Shenanigans Puritan @Euri George S Houston (4 votes) votes against Cass Act, Quitman Act and Bright Act BlueRW John Sidel and Trusten Polk vote against the Granger Act No other puritan changes Pliable @Arkansas Progressive Henry Meyer Philips (5 votes) flips his votes towards the opposition. Integrity @Willthescout7 Lyman Trumbull and John P Hale vote for the crisis legislation @10centjimmy John J Crittenden votes for the crisis legislation @Bloot911 RedMod John Bell votes for the crisis legislation Party Leader flips @Euri James Buchanan and @Blockmon William H Seward may attempt to convert one allied faction's House vote and Senate vote (one of each) to your position on a bill or package Debate @10centjimmy Israel Washburn Jr, @Willthescout7 Nathaniel P Banks and Jacob M Howard, @Blockmon (RedLib) John A Bingham, @Bloot911 (RedMod) Galusha Grow, and @Arkansas Progressive John Hickman can target one non-puritan focus rep to change a vote on a bill or package @Euri (BlueRW) Benjamin Fitzpatrick, John Slidell, Jefferson Davis, @Euri Clement Claiborne Clay, Robert M T Hunter, @theFreezerFlame Stephen A Douglas, @Willthescout7 Lyman Trumbull and Benjamin Wade, @Blockmon Solomon Foot, @10centjimmy John J Crittenden, @Bloot911 John Bell and Sam Houston can target one non-puritan Senator to flip a vote on a bill or package Orator @Willthescout7 Nathaniel P Banks and @Euri Clement L Vallandigham can flip 3 focus reps on one bill or package @10centjimmy BlueCons James Bayard Jr @Euri James M Mason @Euri BlueRW Jefferson Davis @theFreezerFlame Stephen A Douglas @Willthescout7 Benjamin Wade and Henry Wilson @10centjimmy James Crittenden @Bloot911 John Bell and Sam Houston (RedMod) @Blockmon William H Seward can flip 3 senators on one bill or package One speech (debate or orator) per pol per half term. Same State Conversions @Willthescout7 William P Fessenden can convert fellow ME Senator on which bill
  16. Still into it. Just mention me when you are available.
  17. 1772 CPU Presidents 1772 CPU Vice Presidents
  18. My only option (conservative nationalist who's not obscure) is Cabot
  19. there are four replacement bills that weren't in committee Provide land grants to populate Florida in risky areas away from the immediate protection of military forts US Dollar as the nation's currency using a gold standard--free of paper money and silver to cause deflation Increase the number of Lower Court Justices Grant land rights to squatters in the West who have long remained on unoccupied land, Kansas Statehood, & Oregon Statehood
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