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Everything posted by pilight

  1. I said all along that Franken shouldn't resign. Absent a conviction, it's for the voters to decide whether they want someone to hold office.
  2. The Supreme Court is far less politicized than the media makes it out to be. The reality is we've got eight of the best legal minds in the country plus Sam Alito making decisions on contentious issues based on the law. Media loves to make SCOTUS rulings (a vast majority of which are near unanimous rulings on legalese) seem like partisan dogfights when they’re not. That sort of lack of perspective is what causes people to think the court is far more partisan that it actually is
  3. The Kennedy vote is almost all people saying "anyone but Biden." It will vanish if anyone else gets in or will fade once people realize it's gonna be Biden regardless.
  4. If I wanted an outsider, I wouldn't be voting for a larger party candidate
  5. Even if he's convicted the next Republican president will pardon him. There is zero chance of him receiving any meaningful penalty.
  6. By the mid 1860's slavery was on its last legs anyway. It would have been abolished in an independent Confederacy within a generation. Every country in the Western Hemisphere abolished it by the end of the 1880's, including those like Brazil that had more slaves than the US did.
  7. Copaganda. There are plenty of countries that have no or very limited qualified immunity for police and their police are as effective or more than American cops. American cops didn't have it until the Supreme Court created it for them in 1967 (Pierson v Ray). They didn't suddenly become more effective, the available evidence suggests the opposite.
  8. They tried permanent DST before. It was very unpopular because kids had to wait at pitch dark bus stops on school mornings. Nothing has changed to prevent that.
  9. https://apnews.com/article/politics-united-states-government-gerald-ford-ronald-reagan-hospice-care-f4e26c10a7b366f14e62f690da403b0a
  10. You literally can't get on the ballot in most states if you run in the primaries
  11. Any real solution to student debt will have to look to the causes of the issue rather than just palliative measures like the current debt relief proposals.
  12. I blocked him before he was even elected, so I don't care
  13. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/11/17/madison-cawthorn-nc-empty-offices/10718258002/
  14. US Grant had the most delegates on the first ballot of the 1880 Republican convention; Grant at 304, James Blaine at 284, John Sherman at 93, and the rest to minor candidates. After 35 ballots with little movement the convention settled on a compromise candidate, James Garfield.
  15. Not gonna happen. The laws are such that if you run in the primaries and lose you can't run in the general except in a handful of small states.
  16. I have no idea why Kennedy is in the top 10
  17. A one-size-fits-all algorithm isn't that useful for the House. They are local races normally decided by local issues.
  18. Walker never mentioned Trump in his ads and Trump made no appearances in Georgia during the general election. The Walker campaign felt Trump's presence would do more harm than good. That's probably correct. Brian Kemp, who Trump tried and failed to primary, won handily in a state Trump lost.
  19. Favorite to read about? Favorite to write about? Which one would I want to live in? What??
  20. I've given up making predictions. Polling is so much harder with the demise of land line phones that I put little stock in them.
  21. Clinton got sidelined in 2016 when the Access Hollywood tape came out. Can't claim the high ground on sexual harassment with him as a prominent surrogate. I can't imagine why any Democrat would debate Trump in the general election. That's the definition of a no-win scenario.
  22. The government would be run by hackers
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